Department of Labor & Workforce Development

NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Launches Digital Portal to House Prevailing Wage Payrolls, Equitable Pay Data


August 22, 2023

TRENTONThe New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) has introduced the New Jersey Wage Hub, an innovative and user-friendly portal that makes it easier for employers to comply with state labor laws and advances worker protections on public job sites.   

The new portal provides the reporting mechanisms public works employers need to comply with the Prevailing Wage Act and Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act. The Prevailing Wage Act requires public works contractors to submit weekly payroll records, while the Diane B. Allen law safeguards workers against wage discrimination. A law (S-1442/A-5345)  was enacted last week requiring public works contractors to submit weekly payroll records online. 

The use of cloud technology will bring data together to improve enforcement and compliance and make it easier and more efficient for contractors and public bodies to comply with the law.  

“This digital platform builds on New Jersey’s proud history of strong worker protections and support to employers,” said Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “Better tools, data, and analytics help us enforce labor laws and make playing by the rules easy and cost-effective for employers. The portal ultimately ensures we can protect our workers equitably, reward good-faith employers and provide appropriate support to employers that do not comply.”  

NJ Wage Hub was developed in partnership with Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL), a tech-for-social-impact nonprofit that works with governments to help them use data, science, and technology to improve public policy and lives. The portal enhances the state’s existing platforms by leveraging cloud technology to improve wage data collection through user-friendly tools, connect siloed data sources, and embed analytics for enforcement.   

Prior to this launch, leaders in the state relied on disparate data sources and were forced to collect, monitor and organize payrolls manually. In addition to easing the burden on local contracting officials, the new platform modernizes these systems by making available portals for public works contractors to submit required data and internal tools that have built-in analytics and reporting functions. Additionally, there soon will be a public-facing site that improves transparency and puts information in the hands of workers and those striving to protect them.  

For more information, please visit njwages.nj.gov.

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