
Business Resources

Whether you are a large offshore wind developer, an established manufacturer or supplier looking to relocate, or a small business interested in joining the offshore wind supply chain, New Jersey is the place for your business to get started, get established, and grow. NJ has a variety of programs and incentives to assist businesses looking to engage in the offshore wind sector:

  • Offshore Wind Tax Credit Program
    The Offshore Wind Tax Credit is a powerful financial tool designed to spur private capital investment and employment growth in major, land-based offshore wind industry projects. The tax credit program provides reimbursement for capital investments in industry-specific facilities located in New Jersey.

    Learn more about the Offshore Wind Tax Credit Program
    Download the One-Pager on Offshore Wind Tax Credit
  • New Jersey Clean Energy Loans

    NJ CELs is an $80 million co-lending program launched by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) for small businesses seeking to finance clean energy projects. The program’s funds come from the U.S. Treasury’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI).

    The NJEDA will lend between $250,000 and $10 million for projects requesting a total loan amount of $500,000 to $20 million. 

    NJ CELs will unlock capital for small businesses and start-ups, catalyze the deployment of clean energy in New Jersey, and support minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned businesses to participate in the State’s energy transition.

    Learn more about New Jersey Clean Energy Loans (NJ CELs)
  • NJ Manufacturers Voucher Program
    NJ Manufacturers Voucher Program is a $20,000,000 pilot grant program to assist New Jersey manufacturers with accessing the manufacturing equipment they need to become more efficient, productive, and profitable. The pilot program will provide grants for a portion of eligible equipment costs, up to a maximum award amount of $250,000 per manufacturer.

    Learn more about New Jersey Manufacturing Voucher Program
  • Overview of NJEDA Offshore Wind Programs & Incentives
    Whether you are a large offshore wind developer, an established manufacturer or supplier looking to relocate, or a small business interested in joining the offshore wind supply chain, NJEDA has a suite of programs to support your business’ growth in the offshore wind industry. New Jersey is the place for your business to get started, participate in the clean energy economy, and grow.

    Download the One-Pager on Offshore Wind Programs and Incentives
  • The NJ Supply Chain Registry
    The NJ Supply Chain Registry is open to any business or organization who wants to enter the offshore wind supply chain, including manufacturers, labor unions, nonprofits, research institutions, and universities. Developers are often required to develop state-wide supply chains and partner with local universities, unions, MWBEs, and other uniquely qualified businesses – let the industry know you are here. More than 800 organizations have already joined this FREE listing.

    Learn more about The NJ Supply Chain Registry


New Jersey’s near shore and offshore waters are biologically diverse and rich with fisheries and other species as well as habitat that provide important natural resource and economic value to the State and its residents. While New Jersey has studied these resources, the introduction of new onshore and offshore development related to offshore wind projects introduces new variables into both the natural and economic environment that must be well studied and understood as offshore wind developments are constructed, operated, and decommissioned. Accordingly, conducting ongoing research and monitoring to assess the effects of the offshore wind industry on the distribution and abundance of wildlife and fisheries resources is a priority for New Jersey. To facilitate a shared understanding of these effects, offshore wind developers are required to commit financial and technical support to regional monitoring and research initiatives that explore the impact of the introduction of offshore wind projects on environmental conditions, wildlife, and fisheries. Specifically, each Applicant must commit to a fee of $10,000 per megawatt of Qualified Project nameplate capacity. NJDEP and BPU have established the Research and Monitoring Initiative to administer the program.

The Wind Institute’s Fellowship Program provides financial support to undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. students at NJ universities conducting research in offshore wind. The fellows conduct their research at their home universities under a faculty advisor and then the Wind Institute team organizes monthly cohort meetings to further their comprehensive understanding of the offshore wind industry. These meetings range from site visits to developer updates, interactive workshops, and more. Currently, there are eight participating universities, with a total of 40 fellows, who are a part of the program: Rowan University, Rutgers University, Montclair State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Seton Hall University, Stockton University, and Stevens Institute of Technology. Learn more on the Wind Institute Fellowship page.

NJ businesses that have already started working within the offshore wind sector:

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