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New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman

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Leonard Parry

Leonard Parry

Our beloved colleague Leonard Parry passed on November 26, 2022 surrounded by his loved ones. Leonard grew up in England and served in the British Royal Army Service Corps before moving to the US, marrying, and starting his family in NJ. While helping his wife through her battle with cancer, which required her to receive care in several NJ nursing homes, Leonard became a passionate advocate for nursing home residents. He first joined the LTCO as a Volunteer Advocate, going to his local nursing home a few hours a week for several years to help residents. Later, he joined our I Choose Home NJ team, helping people move out of nursing homes. Leonard helped hundreds of people, always going above and beyond to resolve whatever issue they faced. From the quality of nursing home food to helping residents relocate across the country, Leonard was a determined and steadfast advocate. Sometimes he helped residents achieve goals that did not even seem possible. He had a special way of inspiring and motivating residents to stay focused on what was important to them. Leonard was smart and funny, always with a playful twinkle in this eye. He loved to read, teach, discuss current events, and joke. He will always be in our hearts.

“In his work at LTCO, Leonard was always engaged, enthusiastic, passionate and completely committed to the people we serve. He was a truly remarkable person and we will miss him dearly.” —Laurie Facciarossa Brewer, NJ LTC Ombudsman

“One thing I will always remember about Leonard is how great he was at helping residents who others found to be ‘difficult.’ I think this is because he was so empathetic and loving while also maintaining firm boundaries. He had a special way of helping residents to be the best version of themselves to achieve their dreams. He will never be replaced.” —Amy Brown, NJLTCO Policy Director

When Paths Cross (A Poem for Leonard)

When paths cross, do we pause to wonder why?
Or do we carry on as life continues by?
Do we appreciate one’s kindness and realized how blessed we are?
Or consume ourselves with the common goal and take for granted who you are?
A smile, sense of humor, passionate advocate with a great big heart…
I knew you were a special person right from the very start.
I pray the gates of heaven, greet you with a grand parade,
as you’re clearly one of God’s angels, as your wings you’ve surely gained.
I know it wasn’t by accident that our advocacy paths did cross.
Heaven’s gain is certainly the LTCO/ICHNJ Program’s loss.

“Rest in heavenly peace my friend and colleague Leonard Parry.” —Beulah Warren, Statewide Housing Program Coordinator

“I shared a special connection with Leonard from his first role as a Volunteer Advocate in my region in 2015. I saw his passion for positive change and for advocating for the residents at his assigned facility. I was very pleased when he became a colleague and was able to continue to utilize his skills in his role working with the ICH program. His ability helped many residents return successfully to the community. Our whole staff loved and respected Leonard, for not only his drive but especially for his sense of humor and caring nature. He will be fondly remembered, live in our memories and be sorely missed.” —Elizabeth Mane, Volunteer Advocate Program Region III Coordinator

"Leonard was always willing to help anyone who had an issue, problem or need.” —Alisa Mead, Associate Project Director for I Choose Home NJ

Last Updated: Wednesday, 12/28/22