Office of Planning Advocacy

Department of State
Office of Planning Advocacy
The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

Step 7: Action Plan Implementation

After receipt of items submitted pursuant to the Consistency review, the Executive Director shall make a determination as to whether or not a plan that is the subject of a petition for plan endorsement is consistent with the State Plan as described at N.J.A.C. 15:30-7.13 and the petitioner has fulfilled all requirements for plan endorsement as described in this chapter and relevant parts of the Plan Endorsement Guidelines and other support materials.

If the Executive Director determines that additional actions must be taken to complete the self-assessment, visioning, or other actions necessary to achieve initial consistency with these steps, the Executive Director shall, in consultation with the Plan Implementation Committee and petitioner, develop a draft Memorandum of Understanding and draft an Action Plan within 45 days of the conclusion of the 90-day consistency review period.

If the Executive Director, in consultation with the Plan Implementation Committee, determines that the self-assessment and visioning process steps have been performed, or that a waiver of these requirements has been properly granted, and the terms and conditions of the Action Plan have been met to achieve initial consistency with these steps, then the petitioner shall work with the Office of Planning Advocacy in coordination with the Plan Implementation Committee to develop a draft Plan Implementation Agreement that outlines longer-term planning implementation mechanisms for the petitioner to undertake during the 10-year endorsement period to achieve and maintain consistency with the goals and vision described in the endorsement plan, the State Plan, and any additional procedures from the Plan Endorsement Guidelines and other support materials.

If the Executive Director determines that the self-assessment and visioning process steps are not acceptable or that the terms and conditions of the Action Plan items have not been met as necessary to achieve initial consistency, then it shall advise the petitioner, in writing, of the items required in the Action Plan to achieve initial consistency.

If petitioner fails to achieve initial consistency or meet the conditions and requirements of the Action Plan within 90 days or within a longer period, as requested of, and agreed to by, the Executive Director, in consultation with the Plan Implementation Committee, the petition will be considered to have been withdrawn without prejudice and the petitioner so notified. Notice of any such withdrawal shall be provided by the Office of Planning Advocacy to the petitioner, and the State Planning Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 15:30-1.7(h) and N.J.A.C. 15:30-7.4(b).

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