Office of Planning Advocacy

Department of State
Office of Planning Advocacy
The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

Inter-Agency Coordination

The State Planning Commission coordinates the policies of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan with the following state agencies:

Department of Agriculture Department of Treasury
Department of Community Affairs New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Department of Education New Jersey Economic Development Authority
Department of Environmental Protection New Jersey Schools Development Authority
Department of Transportation New Jersey Transit

Cross Acceptance

Cross-acceptance is a bottom-up approach to planning, designed to encourage consistency between municipal, county, regional, and state plans to create a meaningful, up-to-date and viable State Plan (N.J.S.A. 52:18A-202.b.).

This process is meant to ensure that all New Jersey residents and levels of government have the opportunity to participate and shape the goals, strategies and policies of the State Plan.

Through Cross-acceptance, negotiating entities work with local governments and residents to compare their local master plans with the State Plan and to identify potential changes that could be made to achieve a greater level of consistency with statewide planning policy.

Cross-acceptance concludes with written Statements of Agreements and Disagreements supported by each negotiating entity and the State Planning Commission. The State Planning Commission will incorporate the negotiated agreements into the Draft Final State Plan.

Cross-acceptance is, by definition, a negotiating process. The State Plan and the State Plan Policy Map are intended to represent the input of counties, municipalities and the public so that we can all work together to create a State Plan that makes sense for all of New Jersey.

Please contact the office to arrange review of previous Cross Acceptance Reports.

You’re welcome to share your input on projects, surveys, initiatives and opportunities by going to: You can also leave a voicemail comment by dialing 1-855-925-2801, passcode: 2813.

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