Department of Transportation


Table of Contents:


The following serves as a guide to terms used in the Transportation Capital Program:

Section 1 - Capital Investment Strategy Categories/Asset Categories

The New Jersey Statewide Capital Investment Strategy (SCIS) classifies projects according to the type of work to be done.

Airport Assets
Includes work that is intended to preserve, maintain and improve aviation facilities, for the development of an efficient air transportation system that responds to the needs of its users and the public. Administering the aviation system includes public-use airports that consist of a complex system of facilities operated by state, county, municipal and private entities.

Bridge Assets
Includes projects which are designed to keep existing bridges functioning and in a state of good repair, including work which rehabilitates or replaces existing bridges to meet current design standards. Examples of work included within this category are:
  • Bridge capital maintenance
  • Bridge deck rehabilitation and replacement
  • Bridge management
  • Bridge rehabilitation and replacement
  • Dams
Capital Program Delivery
Includes program implementation costs for various phases of projects, including construction, contractor support, planning programs and studies, scoping and design, right-of-way, utility work, and quality assurance.

Congestion Relief
Includes work that improves the flow of people and goods along roadways. Specific programs under this heading include; highway operational improvements, bottleneck improvements, missing links, major widening, intelligent transportation systems and travel demand management.

Local Systems Support
Provides for development and implementation of transportation improvements on local roadway networks. Examples of program categories within this heading are; local aid to counties, local aid to municipalities, bicycle/pedestrian, regional planning, and project development.

Mass Transit Assets
Includes light rail, and rail and bus physical assets required to maintain the transit system in a state-of-good-repair. Examples of work within this category include:
  • Electric Traction
  • Rail Stations, bus terminals, shelters
  • Rolling Stock, rail cars and buses
  • Signaling
  • Structures
  • Track
Multimodal Programs
Includes work that addresses improvements in/provisions for alternative modes of transportation. Program categories within this heading include; goods movement, bicycle/pedestrian, ferries, paratransit, intermodal connections, rail, and maritime.

Road Assets
Includes projects which are designed to keep the existing highway system functioning and in a state of good repair, including work which upgrades segments of the system to meet current design standards (e.g., safety treatments that are part of a general roadway project such as signs, guiderail, barrier curb, and traffic signals - as opposed to individual line-item programs, that include specific signs and/or traffic signals). Examples of work included in this category are:
  • Drainage Management
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Highway Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
  • Landscape
  • Pavement Management System
  • Resurfacing
Safety Management
Includes safety programs that are aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of crashes and promoting the all-round engineering, education, and enforcement approach of "Safety First". "Safety First" is further reflected in several other NJDOT supported programs that utilize the 4E's (Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and Emergency Medical Services (quicker response and care), and in other measures to enhance safety and reduce crashes. Examples of safety management programs are:

  • ADA Curb Ramp Implementation
  • Betterments, Safety
  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities/Accommodations
  • Crash Reduction Program
  • Highway Safety Improvement Program Planning
  • Intersection Improvement Program (Project Implementation)
  • Motor Vehicle Crash Records
  • Restriping Program & Line Reflectivity Management System
  • Rockfall Mitigation
  • Safe Routes to School Program
  • Safe Streets to Transit Program
  • Segment Improvement Program
  • Traffic Signal Replacement
  • Transportation Safety Resource Center (TSRC)
Transportation Support Facilities Assets
Includes projects designed to preserve, maintain and improve physical plant infrastructure, including office buildings, rest areas, maintenance facilities, toll plazas and existing park and ride locations. (Bus stops and train stations are included under Mass Transit Assets).

Section 2 - Core Mission
The NJDOT's overall mission has been divided into five distinct Core Missions as part of Governor Christie's Performance Budgeting Initiative. Performance data and expenditures are tied to the Core Missions listed below.

10 - Infrastructure Preservation
Projects and programs with a primary focus on preserving, rehabilitating, or reconstructing existing physical assets, such as roads and bridges.

20 - Safety
Projects and programs with a primary focus on improving public health and safety of motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and other users of the transportation network by reducing transportation-related fatalities and injuries.

30 - Operations and Maintenance
Routine and regular expenditures required to: keep the highway surfaces, shoulders, roadsides, structures, and traffic control devices in usable condition; maintain facilities; purchase winter operations equipment, light trucks, cars, and construction equipment; and respond to winter storms and emergencies.  Operation s and Maintenance also includes administrative operations that support the other core missions (such as human resources, budget, and accounting).

40 - Mobility and Congestion Relief
Projects and programs with a primary focus on maintaining or increasing the movement of passengers and goods. These projects and programs may provide a safety and/or infrastructure preservation benefit, however, their goal is improving quality of life.

50 - Mass Transit
Projects or programs designed to move relatively large numbers of people at one time; utilizing passenger transportation services that operate on established schedules, along designated routes or lines, with specific stops.
Section 3 - Phases of Work
The stages of project development that occur during the project delivery process. The current NJDOT project delivery process in order of occurrence, is Problem Statement (PS), Concept Development (CD), Preliminary Engineering (PE), Final Design (DES), Right of Way (ROW), Utilities (UTI), and Construction (CON). The terms apply to these various phases of work.

CAP - Capital Acquisition
The acquisition of rolling stock by NJ TRANSIT.

CD/LCD - Concept Development
The Concept Development phase identifies and compares reasonable alternatives and strategies that address a well-defined and well-justified Purpose and Need Statement, and establishes a Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA). The PPA is selected based on the following factors: environmental impacts, constructability, cost effectiveness, and length of time for construction. CD involves data collection, internal and external stakeholder coordination, and alternatives analysis. Along with the PPA, key products that are produced in this phase include the Purpose and Need Statement, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) classification, and the Concept Development Report. CD denotes NJDOT's Concept Development phase; LCD denotes Concept Development phase by a local entity (MPO, county, municipality).

CON - Construction
The Construction phase is the period of work involving the actual building of a project.

DES - Final Design
The purpose of the Final Design phase is to produce the project’s construction contract documents (i.e., final plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E) for use in soliciting bids from prospective contractors, and advancing the project to the Construction phase. DES includes the continuation and completion of environmental and engineering tasks initiated in the Preliminary Engineering phase (i.e., roadway design, bridge design, right of way and access engineering, utility engineering, environmental permits and clearances, and community outreach. The completion of those tasks will involve various internal and external project stakeholders. Stakeholder coordination ranges from onboard project review meetings with internal offices to efforts with local officials, the general public and other state and federal agencies. Efforts involving the public and local officials are guided by a project-specific public involvement action plan. DES is completed when the project is authorized for construction, which initiates the Construction phase of project delivery.

EC - Design and Construction
Funding is provided for design and/or construction costs.

ERC - Design, Right of Way and Construction
Funding is provided for design, right of way, and/or construction costs.

PE/LPE - Preliminary Engineering
The Preliminary Engineering phase involves performing engineering tasks and technical environmental studies to obtain formal community consensus (through a public information center) of the studies and to secure the approval of the environmental document. If a design exception is necessary on a project, preparation and approval of the Design Exception Report will occur during PE phase. During PE a number of activities are simultaneously set in motion based on the PPA such as community involvement (meetings with affected property, business owners), agency consultation, environmental documentation, design level mapping, and the development of geometric design. PE denotes NJDOT Preliminary Engineering phase; LPE denotes preliminary engineering by a local entity (MPO, county, municipality).

PLS - Planning Study
A phase or type of work involving traffic studies needs analyses, corridor studies, and other work in advance of project development. See also “Concept Development.”

PS - Problem Screening
The Problem Screening Phase is the entrance into the Capital Project Delivery Process for any potential project. The purpose of this phase is to investigate a potential transportation problem identified through a Problem Statement. The sources of the Problem Statements may include NJDOT Management Systems, Planning Studies, a Metropolitan Planning Organization, or internal and external stakeholders. This phase may involve a Problem Statement review, field investigation, and coordination with NJDOT Subject Matter Experts. Upon completion of a Problem Statement review, a recommendation for advancement or withdrawal is submitted to Capital Program Committee (CPC) for review and approval.

The objective of the Problem Screening Phase is to effectively, efficiently, and consistently screen transportation problems in agreement with the Statewide Capital Investment Strategy (SCIS) and project prioritization criteria. Achieving this goal is expected to produce selective proposals that are consistent with the SCIS performance related goals, objectives and investment targets for potential advancement while conforming to state and federal requirements.

ROW - Right of Way
A general term denoting land, property, or an interest therein, usually in a strip acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes.

UTIL - Utility
In some cases, the utility relocation work associated with a project must be programmed separately from the actual construction phase of work. These items are shown under the “Utility” category.

Section 4 - Funding Categories
Projects are funded under various funding categories, depending on the type of work. Any funds designated with a “20S” were included in the initial quarter appropriation for FY2021.

a. NJDOT Funding Categories

This federal-aid funding category provides funds for the rehabilitation or replacement of bridges defined as structurally deficient and/or functionally obsolete according to federal definitions. This funding is used for bridges that are off the federal-aid system.

CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
This federal-aid funding category was established under the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) to provide funding for projects that improve air quality and/or relieve congestion without adding new highway capacity. designedThese funds are especially targeted for states, like New Jersey, with serious air quality problems to help meet their Clean Air Act obligations.

CRRSAA – Coronavirus Response and Recovery Supplemental Appropriations Act
This federal-aid funding category was established under the The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) and appropriated funds by geographic regions.

DEMO - Demonstration Funds
Federal transportation acts sometimes target specific projects in various states in addition to general programs for federal support. This funding category includes “demonstration” funding provided under Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Projects with “demonstration”, or “high priority project”, funding often have special rules of use.

FBP - FHWA Ferry Boat Program
Federal funds that are allocated for the improvements to ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities throughout the state.

HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program
This federal-aid funding category was established under SAFETEA-LU with the purpose of significantly reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads in a comprehensive and strategic manner consistent with the State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) has continued this program with a focus on performance measures and targets.

HWI – Highway Infrastructure
This federal-aid funding category was established under The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), title IV of division M, Public Law (Pub. L.) 116-260, appropriated additional funds for Highway Infrastructure Programs (HIP), by geographic regions.

LTAP – Local Technical Assistance Program
Federal funds that are allocated for LTAP centers that provide information and training to local governments and agencies to foster a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound surface transportation system by improving skills and increasing knowledge of the transportation workforce and decision makers.

NHFP-HWY - National Highway Freight Program
As established by the FAST Act, the National Highway Freight Program provides funding to improve the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN). NHFP supports several goals, including: infrastructure and operational improvements that strengthen economic competitiveness, reduce congestion, reduce the cost of freight transportation, improve reliability, and increase productivity; improving the safety, security, efficiency, and resiliency of freight transportation in rural and urban areas; improving the state of good repair of the NHFN; using innovation and advanced technology to improve NHFN safety, efficiency, and reliability; improving the efficiency and productivity of the NHFN; improving State flexibility to support multi-State corridor planning and address highway freight connectivity; and reducing the environmental impacts of freight movement on the NHFN.

NHFP-RAIL - National Highway Freight Program - Intermodal or Rail
In addition to improvements to the NHFN, the FAST Act establishes funding for surface transportation projects to improve the flow of freight into and out of a freight intermodal or freight rail facility. These projects include those within the boundaries of public or private freight rail or water facilities (including ports), and that provide surface transportation infrastructure necessary to facilitate direct intermodal interchange, transfer, and access into or out of the facility.

NHPP - National Highway Performance Program
As established by MAP-21, the National Highway Performance Program provides support for the construction of new facilities on the National Highway System (NHS), the condition and performance of the NHS, and achieving performance targets set by that State's asset management plan.

This represents funding provided from other sources, including but not limited to, bi-state and autonomous authorities, private entities, and local governments.

PL/PL-FTA - Planning
A federal-aid funding category that provides funds for the federally mandated transportation planning process conducted within each Metropolitan Planning Organization.

RHC - Rail-Highway Grade Crossings Program
A federal funding category which is intended to develop and implement safety improvement projects to reduce the number and severity of crashes at public highway-rail grade crossings. Eligible program activities include signing and pavement markings at crossings, active warning devices, crossing surface improvements, sight distance improvements, grade separations, and the closing and consolidation of crossings.

RTP - Recreational Trails Program
Provides grants to public agencies and non-profit organizations for a variety of trail projects. The NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry, administers the program.

SPR/SPR-FTA - Statewide Planning and Research
Federal law requires that a percentage of the funds that are allocated to states for highway improvements be devoted to planning and research activities.

The “STATE” or “TTF” category is used to show the disposition of funding received from the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.

STBGP - Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
A federal-aid funding category, established under ISTEA, which encompasses funding previously made available under various smaller federal-aid categories (STBGP-NJ denotes funding provided to NJTPA; STBGP-STU denotes funding provided to DVRPC; STBGP-SJ denotes funding provided to SJTPO).

TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program
Consolidates funding from FHWA’s former Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, and Safe Routes to School programs. MAP-21 eliminated the 10 percent set-aside under STP for “transportation enhancements” and replaced it with the “transportation alternatives” program. Provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation; recreational trail program projects; safe routes to school projects; and projects for the planning, design or construction of boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of-way of former Interstate System routes or other divided highways.

TIGER - Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Act
This federal funding category, awarded on a competitive basis, is a supplementary discretionary grant investing in projects that will improve our surface transportation at the national, regional, or local level.

b. NJ Transit Funding Categories
NJ Transit funding categories are generally indicated by reference to federal statutory categories and are identified as follows:

Annual allocation of 8.5% from the Casino Revenue Fund which is appropriated specifically for transportation services for senior citizen and disabled residents.

CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
This federal-aid funding category was established under ISTEA to provide funding for projects that improve air quality and/or relieve congestion without adding new highway capacity. These funds are especially targeted for states like New Jersey, with serious air quality problems to help meet their Clean Air Act obligations.

Local funds that are needed in order to receive a match in federal funding (Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and SECT 5311).

Funding received from the Metro-North Railroad of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Funding agreement with NJ Turnpike

OPER - Operating
Fare-box generated revenue funds.

Represents funding provided from other sources, including but not limited to; bi-state and autonomous authorities, private entities, and local governments.

SECT 5307 - Section 5307
Under MAP-21 this program has been consolidated to include the JARC program (formally SECT 5316). Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Urbanized Area Formula Program, including funding for Transportation Enhancements (SECT. 5307-TE), Transportation Alternatives Program (SECT. 5307-TAP), and Associated Transit Improvements (SECT 5307-ATI).

SECT 5310 - Section 5310
Provides formula funding to increase the mobility of seniors and persons with disabilities. The former New Freedom Program (SECT 5317) was folded into this program.

SECT 5311 - Section 5311
Federal funding is provided for rural public transportation programs. (formerly known as the Section 18 Program). JARC program funds are also eligible under the Rural Area Formula Program.

SECT 5324 - Section 5324
Assists states and public transportation systems with emergency-related expenses. Emergencies are defined as natural disasters affecting a wide area or a catastrophic failure from an external cause for which the Governor of a state has declared an emergency or the President has declared a major disaster. This program funds capital projects to protect, repair, reconstruct or replace equipment and facilities. It also funds transit agency operating costs: evacuation; rescue operations; establishing temporary public transportation service or changing public transportation route service before, during or after an emergency in an area directly affected.

SECT 5337 - Section 5337
MAP-21 established a new formula-based State of Good Repair grant program dedicated to repairing and upgrading the nation's rail transit systems along with high-intensity motor bus systems that use high-occupancy vehicle lanes, including bud rapid transit (BRT). This program replaces the Fixed Guideway Modernization program (SECT 5309). Projects are limited to replacement and rehabilitation, or capital projects required to maintain public transportation systems in a state of good repair. Projects must be included in a Transit Asset Management Plan to receive funding. The new formula comprises: (1) the former Fixed Guideway Modernization formula; (2) a new service-based formula; and (3) a new formula for buses on HOV lanes.

SECT 5339 - Section 5339
A formula grant program which replaces Section 5309. This capital program provides funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities. Funds are eligible to be transferred by the state to supplement urban and rural formula grant programs (SECT 5307 and SECT 5311, respectively).

The "STATE" category is used to show the disposition of funding received from the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.

STBGP - Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
A federal-aid funding category, established under ISTEA, which encompasses funding previously made available under various smaller federal-aid categories (STBGP-NJ denotes funding provided to NJTPA; STBGP-STU denotes funding provided to DVRPC; STBGP-SJ denotes funding provided to SJTPO).

TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program
Consolidates funding from FHWA’s former Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, and Safe Routes to School programs. MAP-21 eliminated the 10 percent set-aside under the STP for "transportation enhancements" and replaced it with the "transportation alternatives" program. Eligible activities are broadly defined, and, with respect to transit, include: construction, planning and design of infrastructure-related projects and systems that will provide safe routes for non-drivers (including children, older adults and individuals with disabilities) to access daily needs, and for the preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities.
Section 5 - Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) serve as the forum for cooperative transportation decision making for metropolitan planning areas as required by federal regulations. MPOs consist of representatives of state and local governments and major transportation agencies. There are three MPOs in New Jersey:

DVRPC - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
The MPO covering the counties of Mercer, Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester.

NJTPA - North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
The MPO covering the counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren.

SJTPO - South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
The MPO covering the counties of Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, and Salem.

Last updated date: May 7, 2021 9:31 AM