Department of Transportation

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Transit-Oriented Development

A transit-oriented development (TOD) is a residential, commercial or mixed-use development project, made up of one or more buildings, that has been designed to take advantage of nearby transit and includes features that encourage walking, biking and transit ridership. A TOD project is characterized by:

Compact, traditional building and site design

    sidewalk photo
  • Buildings are located close together and face wide sidewalks.
  • Building entrances are oriented towards transit stops.
  • Buildings are normally three stories or higher.
  • No blank walls where pedestrians walk.
  • At street level, walls are at least
    75 percent windows and doorways.
  • Short block lengths are preferred.
    Mid-block pedestrian cut-throughs are provided on long blocks. Parking lots are located to the rear and sides of buildings.

A high quality walking and biking environment

  • Ease of walking or biking to the transit station is a top priority.
  • Pathways are clear and direct with no barriers.
  • Sidewalks are wide, crosswalks are well-marked and lighting and landscaping are ample.
  • Covered bicycle parking is available.

A mix of transit-supportive uses

  • The project includes a complementary mix of uses including housing, offices, shops, markets, hotels, restaurants, salons, services, coffee shops and boutiques.
  • The mix can be in the same building or within the same neighborhood.
  • A desirable combination consists of retail on the first floor and residential use of the upper floors.
  • A wide variety of housing types is available to a range of ages and incomes.
  • Immediately adjacent to the transit station, shops are open until 8 p.m. or later.
  • Auto-dependent uses such as gas stations, tire and automotive service shops, big appliance stores, motels and big box stores are inappropriate.

Attention to place making and the pedestrian realm

  • The transit station is the prominent feature of the town center.
  • Small parks or plazas are created near the transit station.
  • Comfortable and safe places to sit are provided near building entrances.
  • Cues regarding orientation are conveniently located.
  • Landmarks that help to identify a place or provide orientation are preserved.
  • Street fairs and community celebrations make streets vibrant.

Tallest buildings are located closest to transit station

  • Highest density uses are clustered immediately around the transit station.
  • The transition between higher- and lower-density neighborhoods is managed by stepping down building heights.

Transit-supportive parking

  • Parking lots are located to the rear and sides of buildings.
  • Parking space requirements become lower the closer you are to transit.
  • Parking decks should be "wrapped" or otherwise hidden. First floors should be retail whenever possible.
  • Parking should be carefully located, designed and managed.

Last updated date: August 22, 2019 1:24 PM