Department of Transportation

Final Design and Construction

The New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) Route 70, Route 38 to Cooper Avenue project has completed the Final Design phase of NJDOT’s Capital Project Delivery Process. Construction is anticipated to begin in September 2021 and be completed by August 2026.

Right-of-Way Taking

More than 200 properties were partially acquired for improvements to sidewalk, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant upgrades, and driveway access as well as for new adaptive traffic signal control equipment.


In recognition of the intimate tie between land use and the health and quality of our streams, estuaries, coastal waters, wetlands, wildlife habitat and our drinking water, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is charged with regulating land use activities. NJDEP’s Division of Land Resource Protection fulfills this obligation by regulating land use activities through a permit process in accordance with Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act, Flood Hazard Area Control Act, Wetlands Act of 1970, Coastal Area Facility Review Act, Waterfront Development Law, Tidelands Act, NJ Water Pollution Control Act, and the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.

Below is a list of the anticipated permits necessary for this project. The permit applications are currently under review by the NJDEP.

Permit Description
NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands/Open Water Fill Individual Wetlands Permit This USACE permit is required for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. A Section 404 Individual Wetlands Permit Application has been prepared to outline the approximate impacts to wetlands and waters under federal jurisdiction. Details on specific construction impacts were submitted and a provisional permit was issued.
NJDEP Flood Hazard Area Individual Permit This State permit is required prior to engaging in a regulated activity in state open waters and their floodplains and riparian zones.
NJDEP Stormwater Review NJDEP requires a permit for construction within and proximate to flood hazard areas to reduce flood damage to and from new development, and to protect the flood storage capacity and ecology of floodplains.
NJDEP Green Acres Program NJDEP requires the coordination with the Green Acres Program in situations where mitigation is required for permitted disturbance to State-protected natural resources

Last updated date: October 7, 2021 1:38 PM