Translator Disclaimers

The Division of State Energy Services (SES), which includes the State Energy Office, is a one-stop shop for State agencies to navigate the NJBPU and the State’s energy goals. The Division works on State facility energy planning, implementation of the Energy Master Plan and clean energy laws, as well as procuring power for State entities and overseeing performance contracting.


Additionally, SES provides technical, consulting, and advisory services to all operating divisions of NJBPU and to other governmental entities throughout the state.

State Facilities
Energy Capital Committee (ECC)—An interagency work group composed of members of the Department of Treasury, the Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC), Fiscal and OMB, as well as NJBPU’s Division of Administration, Fiscal, and SES. The ECC, chaired by the SES Director, identifies and implements energy related capital improvement projects for State facilities.


Electric and Gas Procurement—The SES manages the State contract for procuring third party supply for State electric and gas accounts through wholesale contracts and manages those contracts along with customer expansion.


Energy Capital Planning—Working through the capital planning process, the Division collaborates with agencies and Treasury OMB to identify, evaluate, and select energy conservation project opportunities at State facilities. Through a cooperative Memorandum of Understanding with DPMC, SES coordinates the development of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for projects funded through the State Facilities Initiative, as well as the selection of vendors and funding.


Benchmarking—SES assists other State agencies in benchmarking State facilities and creating EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager Accounts. Compliance assistance with the Clean Energy Act of 2018 has led SES to develop protocols for State agencies to manage Portfolio Manager Accounts.


State Facilities Initiative—Funded through the New Jersey Clean Energy Program, the State Facilities Initiative (SFI) helps to upgrade state buildings with projects focusing on energy efficiency, energy management, and renewables.

State Facilities Initiative May 2024 Update


State Energy Consumption—Annually, SES issues the State Energy Report to measure energy cost and consumption at State facilities.


Energy Performance Contracting
Since 2009, New Jersey has had a performance contracting mechanism known as Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP). NJBPU through the Division of State Energy Services is the main regulator but works with sister agencies on the review and approval of ESIP projects.


Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP)—The Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP) is a unique financing mechanism that allows government entities to make energy efficiency upgrades without tapping into their capital budgets. These upgrades are often referred to as Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) and are implemented either by the agency themselves or by an energy service company (ESCO).  There are no out-of-pocket expenses, so the cost of improvements is paid with the savings achieved. If an ESCO is hired to do an ESIP, they can offer a savings guarantee assuring the projected savings. For more information about New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program and other energy efficiency program information, please click here. Examples of current ESIP plans can be found here.