State of New Jersey
Department of Corrections
"Protecting Public Safety by Changing Offender Behavior"
                         Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq.

Office of County Services

Office of County Services – As required by state statutes, the Office of County Services conducts annual inspections of all county correctional facilities. In addition to county jail inspections, NJDOC is responsible for inspecting all municipal detention facilities located throughout the state. The office also reviews and approves documents for the construction, renovation, or alteration of those facilities to ensure compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code requirements.

Call 609-292-4036 ext. 5537 from the hours of 8am to 4pm.

Or email us at:

Please note that effective October 1, 2021 the prior email addresses listed below are no longer in use:

In accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code 10A:34-2.2(d), the Commissioner may exempt a municipal detention facility from adherence to a rule regarding minimum standards in certain instances.

The effective date of a rule exemption shall be the date of the Commissioner's signature on Form 34-100 Request for Rule Exemption. The expiration date of the rule exemptions shall be specified in the accompanying cover letter, and may be terminated by the Commissioner prior to the expiration date when the special circumstances exempting the rule no longer exists, or the Commissioner no longer approves the rule exemption.

All request for rule exemptions shall be signed by the Chief/designee, scanned, and sent via EMAIL ONLY to:
In the subject line please indicate:
“(Full name of Municipality)-Request for rule exemptions”

Municipal-34-100 (Adobe Fillable Form)
Municipal-34-100 (Adobe Static Form)

Municipal Rules Exemptions Prohibited

In accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code 10A:31-2.2(d), the Commissioner may exempt an adult county correctional facility or operational unit from adherence to a rule or certain requirements of a rule in accordance with provisions established in NJAC 10A31:1-5 and in certain instances.

The effective date of a rule exemption shall be the date of the Commissioner's signature on Form 31-100 Request for Rule Exemption. The expiration date of the rule exemptions shall be specified in the accompanying cover letter, and may be terminated by the Commissioner prior to the expiration date when the special circumstances exempting the rule no longer exists, or the Commissioner no longer approves the rule exemption.

All request for rule exemptions shall be signed by the Warden/designee, scanned, and sent via EMAIL ONLY to:
In the subject line please indicate:
“(Full name of County Jail)-Request for rule exemptions”

County-31-100 (Adobe Fillable Form)
County-31-100 (Adobe Static Form)

Click here to download the forms.

The NJDOC Capital Planning and Construction Unit reviews all architectural drawings for approval or disapproval in the renovation or new construction of all county and municipal jails under the direction of the NJDOC’s Office of County Services. The unit also performs site visits and inspections on all work being performed under the New Jersey Administrative Code, Chapter 34, and monitors the projects through final inspections. Please submit all request to the Office of County Services.