State of New Jersey
Department of Corrections
"Protecting Public Safety by Changing Offender Behavior"
                         Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) maintains compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). Signed into federal law in 2003, PREA is designed to prevent, detect, and respond to incidences of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in confinement facilities.

Under PREA, inmates who are committed to the custody of the NJDOC:

  • Have the right to serve their incarceration free of sexual abuse and sexual harassment;
  • Have multiple means by which to report sexual abuse/sexual harassment
  • Have the right to be free from retaliation, whether victim, perpetrator, or reporter of sexual abuse/sexual harassment;
  • Have the responsibility not to engage in sexually abusive and/or sexually harassing conduct
  • Are assessed for PREA risk with the goal of keeping separate those inmates at risk of being sexually victimized from those at risk of being sexually abusive
  • Have the right to access medical and mental health services that address sexual abuse
  • Have access to external sexual abuse emotional support services

PREA reporting and resource information is available throughout each correctional facility. Additionally, Institutional PREA Compliance Managers are assigned at each correctional facility to oversee and coordinate PREA compliance.

NJDOC Zero Tolerance Policy

The NJDOC maintains a zero tolerance toward all forms of inmate sexual abuse and inmate sexual harassment. The NJDOC will respond to, investigate, and support the prosecution of sexual abuse and sexual harassment within the correctional system and externally in partnership with state and local authorities.

The NJDOC accepts and investigates all inmate and third-party verbal, written, and anonymous reports of sexual abuse/sexual harassment. Additionally, the County Prosecutor may be contacted for potential criminal investigation and prosecution.

All NJDOC staff members, contractors and volunteers receive training on their duties and responsibilities under the NJDOC’s zero tolerance policy and PREA standards.

All NJDOC staff members, contractors and volunteers are required to immediately report any occurrence of inmate sexual abuse /sexual harassment and retaliation.

Pursuant to New Jersey P.L.2019, c.408 a person who is required to report suspected inmate abuse and fails to do so is liable to a penalty of up to $5,000, and each violation would be a separate offense.

The NJDOC protects all inmates and staff who report sexual abuse or sexual harassment and cooperate with sexual abuse or sexual harassment investigations from retaliation by other inmates or staff.

Reporting Inmate Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment

Inmates who are victims of sexual abuse/ sexual harassment, or have knowledge of sexual abuse/sexual harassment or retaliation should immediately report the incident by using any of the following reporting methods:

  • Verbally or in writing to any NJDOC staff member, contractor or volunteer
  • Using the Inmate Remedy System form/JPAY Inmate Computer Kiosk
  • Contacting the Institutional PREA Compliance Manager;
  • Contacting the Special Investigations Division (SID) or by dialing *SID1# on the inmate telephone system (Direct & Confidential/Free Call)

Third Party Reporting of Inmate Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment:

Family members, friends, attorneys, clergy or any other third party may make a report of sexual abuse/sexual harassment or retaliation on an inmate’s behalf by using any of the following methods:

  • Contacting the Correctional Facility’s Institutional PREA Compliance Manager
  • Contacting the Special Investigations Division by Telephone: (609) 826-5617

External Reporting of Inmate Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Through the Office of Corrections Ombudsman

The Office of the Corrections Ombudsman serves as an available independent external resource for both inmates and third parties to report incidents of sexual abuse, harassment, or retaliation. Reports to this office are confidential and are anonymous upon request.

All Allegations of inmate sexual abuse, sexual harassment or retaliation are immediately forwarded to the NJDOC for investigation.

Inmates can contact the Office of the Corrections Ombudsman by completing an “Ombudsman Inmate Request for Assistance Form" that is available at each correctional facility, writing directly to their office, or by calling their confidential, toll-free Inmate Telephone System number.

Third parties can report sexual abuse/sexual harassment or retaliation in writing or by calling the Office’s public telephone number.

Mail directed to or from the Office of the Corrections Ombudsman is classified "Legal, Confidential and Official".

Office of Corrections Ombudsman Contact Information:

  • Address:
    Office of Corrections Ombudsman
    PO Box 855
    Trenton, NJ 08625
  • Inmate Telephone System Number 1-555-555-5555
    (Confidential/free call/inmates only)
  • Public Reporting Number (609) 633-2596 (Confidential)

Below is a list of PREA Audit Reports. PREA audit cycles run every three years from Aug. 20 - Aug. 19

PREA Audit Reports Cycle 3 Year 3
August 20, 2021 – August 19, 2022

PREA Audit Reports Cycle 2 Year 3
August 20, 2018 – August 19, 2019

PREA Audit Reports Cycle 1 Year 3
August 20, 2015 – August 19, 2016