New Jersey Department of Education

State Board Committees

Assessment – This committee monitors and makes recommendations to the State Board and the Commissioner regarding the use and administration of all State-mandated examinations required of New Jersey students or professional staff after discussion and research.

Social and Emotional Learning – This committee explores the issue of student safety and security in education with Department staff within the context of topics such as equity, early childhood learning, chronic absenteeism, student suspension and special education and make recommendations to the State Board and the Commissioner regarding policy changes and regulatory changes to the Administrative Code.

CTE/Coding – This committee examines initiatives and explore best practices along with the Department staff within the context of career and technical education (CTE), coding and STEM initiatives and make recommendations to the State Board and the Commissioner regarding policy changes and regulatory changes to the Administrative Code.

Strategic Planning – This committee will be responsible for drafting the State Board’s Strategic Plan. The committee will also draft recommendations regarding the process in assessing if the Department/State Board is meeting the developed goals of the Strategic Plan. The committee will also make recommendations for modifications to the Strategic Plan, as needed.

Policy – This committee discusses major policy initiatives (equity, early childhood learning, chronic absenteeism, student suspension, new education laws) with Department staff and reviews proposed regulations that have a major impact on education and educational policy in New Jersey.  The committee also considers Administrative Code-related issues raised by other State Board committees and the need for new revisions in Administrative Code to address concerns that arise from the State Board or its constituents.

Charter – This committee examines State policy related to charter schools and renaissance school projects and makes recommendations to the full State Board and the Commissioner regarding related policy and regulatory changes. 

Ad hoc Committees

Local Control - This committee will address various issues facing State-operated school districts return and/or transitions to local control.

Nominations - This committee will submit nominations for the officers of the State Board of Education for the annual election. The President shall select a chairperson for the Nominating Committee from among its members. The committee will contact State Board members to obtain their input regarding the election of State Board officers prior to the public report. The committee’s final report shall be presented to the State Board during the June public meeting.

Ad Hoc

Nedd James Johnson, Chair
Jack Fornaro
Joseph Ricca
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio


Elaine Bobrove, Chair
Marry G. Bennett
Mary Beth Berry
Joseph Ricca
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio


Arcelio Aponte, Chair
Mary Beth Berry
Ronald Butcher
Nedd James Johnson
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio

Social and Emotional Learning

Mary Beth Berry
Elaine Bobrove
Jack Fornaro
Nedd James Johnson
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio


Mary Beth Berry, Chair
Jack Fornaro
Jeanette Peña
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio


Mary Bennett
Mary Beth Berry
Jack Fornaro
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex-Officio

Strategic Plan

Arcelio Aponte
Joseph Ricca
Kathy Goldenberg, Ex Officio

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) Liaison

Kathy Goldenberg


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