New Jersey Department of Education



State Board of Education

Public Business Meetings and Public Testimony Sessions 2024-2025

July 10 November 6 March 5 (March 12*)
August 7 December 4 (December 11*) April 2
September 4 January 8 (January 15*) May 7
October 2 February 5 (February 12*) June 4

 Open Topic Public Testimony Sessions – September, January and May

*Alternate meeting dates in the event of cancellation due to weather

Public business meetings and public testimony sessions take place at the New Jersey Department of Education, 100 Riverview Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08625 unless otherwise specified in a public notice. Public business meetings begin at 9 a.m., adjourn immediately into executive session, and resume at approximately 10 a.m. Public testimony sessions begin at 2 p.m.

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