Preschool Disabilities and Early Intervention


Student with blonde hair laying his head on the table looking at his stack of blocks


    • Riding the Bus: Remember, “Busy Hands are Happy Hands.” Help prevent the yelling and complaining by giving them things to do while on the bus that they enjoy. Provide them with options and let them choose. As the parent, you’ll need to do some planning ahead of time. (Spanish)
    • Riding in the Car: Remember, “Busy Hands are Happy Hands.” Help prevent the yelling and crying by giving them things to do while in the car that they enjoy. Provide them with options and let them choose. As the parent, you’ll need to do some planning ahead of time.(Spanish)
    • Cleaning up Toys: Make sure to give your child a warning ahead of time that they will have to clean up soon. Set a timer and tell them "when it goes off, it will be time to clean up". (Spanish)
    • Following Directions: Listen to your own instructions—make sure they are clear, specific, and consistent. (Spanish)
    • Leaving the House: Decide which tasks are most important—are you having them do too many things by themselves? (Spanish)
    • At the Grocery Store: Talk with your children before you go into the store and tell them how they should act when they get into the store. Use positive statements (DO this) instead of negative statements (DON’T do). Also, let them know what will happen if they do run down the aisle or don’t get what they want. (Spanish)
    • Changing Activities/ Making Transitions: Make sure to give your child a warning ahead of time that they will have to change activities. Set a timer and tell them when the timer beeps, they need to go to the next activity. (Spanish)

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