Adult Protective Services (APS)

If someone you know is 18 years of age or older, living in the community and is the subject of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation, contact your county APS office.

County Adult Protective Services Offices

APS investigation
An APS investigation is a thorough assessment of a vulnerable adult who is experiencing maltreatment. Within 72 business hours of receipt of a report, a face-to-face meeting with the adult by a trained APS social worker is required. During this meeting the vulnerable adult is interviewed in private. Every effort is made to determine the decision-making ability of the adult. Other individuals or agencies that have knowledge of the situation may also be interviewed. When the investigation is complete a report is submitted to the APS Supervisor who will then consult with the social worker and determine if the adult is the subject of abuse, neglect or exploitation. All information generated by the investigation is confidential.

New Jersey APS Fact Sheet English    New Jersey APS Hospital Fact Sheet English
New Jersey APS Fact Sheet Spanish   New Jerset APS Hospital Fact Sheet Spanish
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) Fact Sheet

When Help Is Needed

Doing our Part:

Mandated Reporters:

Types of Abuse:

What APS Reporters Need to Know
National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA)

"APS Wouldn't Take My Report. Why?"
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)