Internal Affairs

The Office of Internal Affairs for the New Jersey State Human Services Police, are dedicated to perform all investigations in a fair, impartial, transparent and consistent manner. If you have a complaint, it will be sent to a specially trained member assigned to the Office of Internal Affairs and an investigation will be conducted that will be thorough, objective and completed when a logical conclusion is reached.

In accordance with New Jersey Attorney General Guidelines even anonymous complaints made against a Police Officer must be thoroughly investigated. If you wish to provide your name you may be asked to help in the investigation of the complaint by giving a detailed statement about what happened or by providing other important information which includes the names of other individuals who may have witnessed the event.

You may contact the Office of Internal Affairs in any of the following ways:

  1. Email:
  2. Facsimile: (609) 341-2399
  3. Regular Mail: 222 South Warren Street, Post Office 700 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 {If choosing this option, please include as much information pertaining to your complaint/compliment as possible in your letter}

All complaints against police officers are completely investigated. You will be advised in writing of the outcome of the investigation. If our investigation reveals that a crime has been committed, the Department of Criminal Justice will be notified in accordance with strict guidelines.

You may contact the Office of Internal Affairs at  with any additional information about a complaint or if you have any questions about the status of the investigation. Any supervisory personnel within our agency will accept reports of officer misconduct. If no supervisory personnel are available, complaints will be accepted by any law enforcement officer.

Complaint Report Forms and Information Sheet Forms

Click the form in your preferred language to make a Complaint.


Major Discipline Report

2020 Report (No Major Discipline Imposed)
2021 Report
2022 Report (No Major Discipline Imposed)
2023 Report