Contact The NJ State Council
on the Arts
Mailing Address:
NJ State Council on the Arts
P.O. Box 306
Trenton, NJ 08625-0306

Office Address:
225 West State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608

Tel: (609) 292-6130
NJ Relay: 711

Manage Your Award
To access the various documents necessary to manage your award, click on the appropriate link below.

Welcome Guide for Current Grantees
Frequently Asked Questions
SAGE Instructions – Accessing SAGE and Logging In
SAGE Instructions – Creating Your Application and Tips

Acknowledgement of State Arts Council Support
The State Arts Council’s investment in your work is something you can be proud of. Publicizing your Council grant and acknowledging Council support in your promotional materials helps to reinforce the importance of public support for the arts in New Jersey.

The Visual Identity Manual contains the conditions referenced in Attachment D of your grant contract and explains the proper uses of the State Arts Council logo, how to link to the State Arts Council website, and the appropriate crediting language by grantee type. Exceptions due to space or other limitations will be considered on a case by case basis.

If you have questions about how to properly comply with these conditions, please contact Christopher Benincasa at 609-292-5263.

Access the New Jersey State Council on the Arts Visual Identity Manual
NJCA Logo Presented By
NJCA Logo with Statement
Arts Council Ads
National Endowment for the Arts
Discover Jersey Arts

Those programs that are co-sponsored will have additional, specific publicity requirements,dependent on the program at the time of negotiation. Under no circumstances may an organization or individual state or imply that its programs and/or activities are "sponsored" or "co-sponsored" by the Arts Council without expressed, written consent from the Arts Council.

Those organizations receiving funds through the Local Arts Grant Program are required to comply with the terms, conditions and language set forth by the county arts agency. A sub-grantee should not imply that it received funds directly from the Arts Council, but rather from a grant administered by its county arts agency.

Image Submission
Grantees are no longer required to submit images to the Arts Council.

The Arts Council may periodically reach out to grantees for images and videos for use in statewide arts promotional materials.

With questions about the acknowledgement of Arts Council support, please contact Christopher Benincasa at 609-292-5263.