Contact The NJ State Council
on the Arts
Mailing Address:
NJ State Council on the Arts
P.O. Box 306
Trenton, NJ 08625-0306

Office Address:
225 West State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608

Tel: (609) 292-6130
NJ Relay: 711

Grant Opportunities for Organizations

Chief among the many programs and services of the Council is its Organizational Grant Program. Through this multifaceted package of matching grants informed by the needs of the field, the Council assists eligible organizations in fulfilling our intersecting missions of service to the people of New Jersey through the arts.

Current Grant Opportunities
There are no current grant opportunities. To stay informed about future grant opportunities, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.
Future Grant Opportunities
Please note: all guidelines and supporting documents are subject to change. If you have questions about these programs, please contact Council staff.
Arts Education Special Initiative Grants (AESI)

New Jersey arts organizations and units of government, colleges, or universities with an arts education-based mission are invited to apply for this grant program to support new or expanded programs that make substantial contributions to quality arts education in schools and youth agencies. This grant category intends to aid arts organizations in developing their full potential as community resources to educational systems throughout New Jersey and create a stronger infrastructure for arts education statewide.

Application Deadline: Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

AESI Grant Guidelines – English
AESI Grant Guidelines – Spanish
AESI Grant Application Technical Assistance

Arts Project Support (APS)
Arts Project Support (APS) provides support for a project that meets the Council’s eligibility requirements. A project is defined as a public activity or event that occurs once during the year either as a single day or weekend presentation, or a series of the same presentation occurring within a very limited and specific timeframe (12-weeks or less). Priority will be given to projects that provide opportunities to engage new voices, reach new communities, or encourage innovation in the field.

This category does not support on-going or multiple programs or the general operations of an organization. GOS and GPS grantees are not eligible to apply for APS grants except in Folk Arts.

Application Deadline: Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Arts Project Support FY20 Grant Guidelines

FY20 Grant Application Webinar

Capital Arts

The Capital Arts grant program is designed to help New Jersey’s nonprofit arts organizations build operational stability and capacity through one of the three eligible project categories: construction; repair or expansion of existing facilities; and acquisition/installation of building service equipment (plumbing, mechanical, and/or electrical equipment,

For the purposes of this grant program, an arts organization is defined as an organization whose primary purpose (mission) is to create, perform, present or otherwise promote the visual, performing, or literary arts and who presents that work year-round.

Application Deadline: Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Capital Arts Grant Guidelines – English
Capital Arts Grant Guidelines – Spanish
Capital Arts Grant Frequently Asked Questions
Capital Arts Grant Application Technical Assistance
Watch our technical assistance webinar here – Recorded December 3, 2021

Capital Arts Grants for Historic Locations

The Capital Arts - Historic Locations Grant Program supports capital projects for nonprofit arts organizations located in New Jersey. In FY23, the program will be presented in partnership with the New Jersey Historic Trust and will include the distribution of approximately $2.7 million in State Arts Council grant funds.

The grant program is designed to help New Jersey’s nonprofit arts organizations operating locations with historic designation(s) or certified eligible for historic designation, build operational stability and capacity and improve or enhance a historic facility through:

  • construction
  • repair or expansion of existing facilities
  • acquisition/installation of building service equipment

A request to fund a bundle of unrelated components will be considered, but may not be fully funded.

For this grant opportunity, priority will be given to projects directly addressing/stopping the deterioration of a historic location.

Please contact Diane Felcyn ( or 609-633-1244) with questions about arts-related eligibility, or the New Jersey Historic Trust (609-984-0473) for historic and project based questions.

Capital Arts Grants - Historic Locations FY23 Guidelines - English
Capital Arts Grants - Historic Locations FY23 Guidelines - Spanish
Capital Arts Grants - Historic Locations FY23 Technical Assistance Schedule

Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Creative Aging Initiative Grant

The Creative Aging Initiative grant provides $10,000 to eligible arts organizations, libraries, veterans homes, and senior and community centers to cover costs of arts learning experiences for New Jersey's older adults. Technical assistance is available through August.
Application Deadline: Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Creative Aging Initiative FY24 Grant Guidelines – English
Creative Aging Initiative FY24 Grant Guidelines – Spanish
Creative Aging Initiative FY24 Grant Rubric – English
Creative Aging Initiative FY24 Grant Rubric – Spanish
Creative Aging Initiative FY24 Technical Assistance Schedule

Watch our technical assistance webinar - Recorded August 2, 2023

Cultural Trust Grants to Arts Organizations

The New Jersey Cultural Trust provides grants to support capital projects, and institutional and financial stabilization of arts, history, and humanities organizations in New Jersey. Funding for grants comes from interest earned on the Cultural Trust Fund, which is a permanent investment fund.

For FY25, the Cultural Trust will provide Institutional/Financial Stabilization Grants to qualified arts organizations. Institutional/Financial Stabilization project proposals must address the financial, operational and/or capacity challenges that have significant impact on the organization’s ability to serve its community.

Qualification Deadline: June 24, 2024

FY25 Grant Guidelines - English
FY25 Grant Guidelines - Spanish
Watch the NJ Cultural Trust's Qualification Workshop

To learn more about the Cultural Trust grant opportunity, visit the Cultural Trust website.

General Operating Support (GOS)

General Operating Support (GOS) grants provide annual support for the overall operations of organizations with missions exclusively devoted to the arts and which meet the Council’s eligibility criteria. GOS grants are typically awarded with a three-year commitment, subject to contract stipulations, and available funds which are contingent upon, in part, the passage of the state budget for the grant cycle.

Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

General Operating Support FY25 Grant Guidelines – English
General Operating Support FY25 Grant Guidelines – Spanish
General Operating Support FY25 Rubric – English
General Operating Support FY25 Rubric – Spanish
Long-Term Residency Supplement FY25 Guidelines

General Program Support (GPS)

General Program Support (GPS) grants provide support for the arts-related costs of full-time, ongoing, public arts programs that meet the Arts Council’s eligibility criteria.
GPS grants are typically awarded with a three-year commitment, subject to contract stipulations and available funds. This grant is to be matched 3:1 ($3 earned or raised and spent per $1 received from the Arts Council). Funding is contingent upon availability of funds and passage of the state budget for the grant cycle.

Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

General Program Support FY25 Grant Guidelines – English
General Program Support FY25 Grant Guidelines – Spanish
General Program Support FY25 Rubric – English
General Program Support FY25 Rubric – Spanish

Projects Serving Artists (PSA)

The Projects Serving Artists (PSA) grant program provides support to help eligible organizations cover costs for technical support or services to artists who reside in New Jersey or whose work benefits New Jersey residents. The project must demonstrate direct benefit to New Jersey artists.

Applicants may request up to $25,000 in support of the project’s direct expenses. Grant funds must be matched 1:1 ($1 earned or raised and spent per $1 received from the Arts Council). The match cannot be fulfilled, in any part, through New Jersey Department of State grant awards.

Applicants may propose a new or significantly renewed project. Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: specialized space for creating, practicing, or producing work; assistance or training in areas of marketing, legal issues, accounting, insurance, and technology; and/or artist career development skills. Examples of eligible renewed projects are those that have evidence of success in serving the artist community and are being re-envisioned in a significant way.

This grant program does not support the replacement of funds for an existing project, nor does it support the commissioning of new work, networking opportunities, or projects that support, engage, or further compensate the artistic leadership of an organization. Applicants unclear about the eligibility of a project should contact Arts Council staff.

Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Projects Serving Artists FY25 Grant Guidelines – English
Projects Serving Artists FY25 Grant Guidelines – Spanish
Projects Serving Artists FY25 Rubric – English
Projects Serving Artists FY25 Rubric – Spanish

Special Initiative Grant

Special Initiative Grants are intended to support new projects or unanticipated needs for current Council grantees that are not part of the organization’s regular, planned, or ongoing work.

Applications are now closed. For more information, be sure to sign up for the Council’s newsletter.

Special Initiative Grants FY23 Guidelines - English
FY23 Lifelong Learning Internship Narrative Questions
FY23 Lifelong Learning Budget Form
FY23 Grant Rubric: Lifelong Learning Project
FY23 New Project Narrative Questions
FY23 New Project Budget Form
FY23 Grant Rubric: New Project

Grant Application Process For Organizations
The grant cycle for most Council grants for organizations begins with the distribution of Guidelines in early November, followed by Technical Assistance Webinars and Workshops, which are held statewide. A Notice of Intent to Apply is required for most grant applications and is due in December. The full application is due in February. Specific dates vary year-to-year.

Grant applications are read, discussed, and evaluated by peer review panels made up of independent experts in each of the different categories and disciplines of the applicant pool. The panels convene in Trenton throughout the spring and evaluate the applications in strict accordance to the criteria as published in the Guidelines.

Once all applications are evaluated by all panels, the consensus comments and rankings are forwarded to the Council's Grants Committee for deliberation in forming recommendations to the full Council. The Committee bases its work on funding principles it adopts respective of how best to invest public dollars in organizations and projects that provide high quality programs and great public benefit. The Council holds its Annual Meeting (generally the last Tuesday in July) to vote on and award grants. Following the Annual Meeting, all applicants will receive a decision letter that includes the grant amount, if awarded, and consensus comments.

Other Council Funding Programs
Cosponsored Projects

One vitally important way that the Council achieves its goals of service to the needs of the entire state is through a battery of cosponsored projects in priority areas, such as arts education, services to artists, access and regional service, arts marketing and promotion and more. By partnering with other organizations that share the same goals, the Council is able to widen the resources applied to the issue and build a statewide infrastructure of support. These grant funds leverage others and make for more efficient and cost effective use of public funds.
Learn More on Cosponsored Projects