Department of Transportation

Rule Adoptions

The following rule adoptions were published in the New Jersey Register (Register) on the dates shown below. The official version published in the Register can be viewed at

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files which is available at our state Adobe Acrobat Access page.

N.J.A.C. Citation Title 16 Chapter Name Adoption Type Publication Date
16:43 Junkyards Adjacent to the Interstate and National Highway Systems (pdf 170k)




I Boat NJ Program (pdf 170k)


16:53E Fixed Guideway State Safety Oversight (pdf 120k)


16:46 Drawbridge (pdf 150k)


16:54 Licensing of Aeronautical Facilities (pdf 325k) Adoption 12/4/23
16:40 Chartable Solicitation on Roadways (pdf 265k) Adoption 11/6/23
16:53 Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP) (pdf 215k) Readoption 7/3/23
16:25 Utility Accommodation (pdf 165k) Readoption with Technical Changes 7/3/23
16:55 Licensing of Aeronautical Activities (pdf 115k) Readoption with Technical Changes 6/19/23
16:25A Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Standards (pdf 145k) Readoption with Technical Changes 6/5/23
16:44A Contracts for Professional Services (pdf 121k) Readoption 6/5/23
16:41 Highway Occupancy Permits (pdf 324k) Readoption with Technical Changes 2/21/23
16:41F Vegetation Canopy Management (pdf 484k) Adoption 2/6/23
16:32 Truck Access (pdf 426k) Adoption 1/3/23
16:42 Sponsorship Program (pdf 456k) Readoption 8/15/22
16:65 Transportation Utilities (pdf 478k) Readoption 5/16/22

Last updated date: June 20, 2024 7:59 AM