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Division of Taxation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Homeowner FAQs

  • Who is eligible for the ANCHOR program?

    New Jersey homeowners who meet the requirements based on 2021 residency, income, and age, are eligible for an ANCHOR homeowner benefit if:

    • You were a New Jersey resident; and
    • You owned and occupied a home in New Jersey that was your principal residence (main home) on October 1, 2021; and
    • 2021 property taxes were paid on that home; and
    • Your 2021 New Jersey gross income was $250,000 or less.
  • Do I have to be a current New Jersey resident to apply?

    No. You must have owned and occupied a home in New Jersey as your principal residence on October 1, 2021. However, applicants who moved after October 1, 2021, are eligible if they met the other 2021 program qualifications.

  • I lived in an Assisted Living Facility in 2021. Am I eligible to apply for the ANCHOR benefit?

    If you own a home (primary residence), but were a temporary resident of an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and did not change your primary domicile, you are eligible to apply for the benefit on the home you owned on October 1, 2021, (as long as you meet all other program requirements).

    If you remain in an ALF and permanently changed your primary domicile to the address of the facility, you should not apply for the benefit. However, see Continuing Care Communities for additional qualification information.

  • What is the filing deadline?

    Saturday, November 30, 2024

  • When will I receive my ANCHOR Benefit?

    Payments will be issued on a rolling basis. Most applicants can expect to receive their payment approximately 90 days after filing the application, unless we request additional information to process your claim.

  • I received an ANCHOR benefit (for Tax Year 2020). Do I have to apply for the current benefit?

    If you received an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter and all of the information contained in the letter was correct, you did not have to file an application for the current benefit. We filed an application on your behalf based on your prior year's approved application.

    Those who did not receive a letter should have received a mailer with instructions on how to file an application. If you did not receive a letter or a mailer and you qualify for the benefit, file an application by November 30, 2024.

  • I received an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter, but my information has changed. What do I do?

    If any information from your prior filing changed, you must file your application on your own to update these changes before September 15, 2024. We will not make adjustments to your name, address or banking information after September 15, 2024. Payments will be issued using the information we have on file.

  • I did not receive an ANCHOR Benefit (for Tax Year 2020), an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter, or green filing packet . Can I still apply for the benefit?

    If you meet the qualifications for the current benefit, you may still apply for the program.

    Most homeowners may file online with an identification number (ID), PIN, and Passcode, or by using the verification function. However, if you bought your home in 2021, altered your deed, or had certain life changes such as a divorce or death of a spouse, you must file using the Special Circumstance Application.

    All other applicants have until Saturday, November 30, 2024, to file applications.

  • How much is the benefit for homeowners?

    2021 Gross Income (NJ-1040 Line 29) In 2021, age 64 or younger In 2021, age 65 or older
    $150,000 or less $1,500 $1,750
    $150,001 - $250,000 $1,000 $1,250

  • Property Tax Credit. New Jersey homeowners, age 65 and over, who are not required to file a New Jersey Gross Income Tax return (NJ-1040), are eligible for a Property Tax Credit of up to $50. If you were a resident homeowner, over 65, on October 1, 2021, and did not claim a $50 Property Tax Credit on the NJ-1040, the credit will be included in your ANCHOR benefit payment.

  • I received an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter, but have to update my banking information for the upcoming benefit. How do I do that?

    You must log-in to the online filing service and file a new application by September 15, 2024, to have your information updated.

  • When must I file a Special Circumstances Application?

    You are required to file a Special Circumstances Application if:

    • You shared ownership of your main home with someone who was not your spouse/civil union (CU) partner and your percentage of ownership is not preprinted on your worksheet;
    • Your main home was a unit in a multi-unit property that you owned;
    • You received an ANCHOR information mailer for the correct property, but the name on the mailer is not yours or needs to be changed due to marriage, death, etc.;
    • You are a widow(er)/surviving civil union partner and your deed lists both your name and the name of your deceased spouse;
    • You are an executor filing on behalf of a deceased homeowner (you must include a death certificate with the application);
    • You occupied a newly constructed home on October 1, 2021, for which you did not receive an ANCHOR mailer with an Identification Number and PIN;
    • You are considered a homeowner for purposes of applying for the ANCHOR benefit, but you were not the actual owner of record on October 1, 2021;
    • You and your spouse/civil union partner maintained the same main home and require separate ANCHOR benefit payments;
    • You are filing for a property held in trust. (You are considered an eligible owner of a property owned by a trust if you are a beneficiary, or the deed or trust agreement explicitly states that you have a life estate in the property.);
    • You are unable to find your ID and PIN.

    Be sure to include all supporting documents.

  • I cannot download the Paper application. What should I do?

    This may be a browser or software issue. You should use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and upgrade to the latest Adobe software to download a paper application. If after you select to download the PDF you receive a, "Please wait..." message, go to your "Files" folder, choose your "Downloads" folder and open the PDF "ANCHOR_Homeowners_2021."

  • Where do I find the amount of my 2021 New Jersey gross income to report on my application?

    Your 2021 New Jersey gross income can be found on line 29 of your 2021 New Jersey Income Tax return (NJ-1040). If you do not have access to your 2021 NJ-1040, you may use the amount from your 2023 NJ-1040. Report your income as $0 if you did not file an NJ-1040 for 2021 or 2023, you did not earn any income, or enough income to be required to file a NJ-1040 for those years.

  • Do I have to report my ANCHOR benefit on my New Jersey Income Tax return?

    No. ANCHOR benefit payments are not reportable as New Jersey income.

  • Is there an age restriction for ANCHOR?


  • I was 65 years old in 2021. How much will I receive?

    This year's benefit provides an additional $250 for New Jersey residents who were 65 or older as of December 31, 2021. If you met the other requirements and reported 2021 New Jersey gross income of $150,000 or less, your benefit would be $1,750. If you met the requirements and earned between $150,001 and $250,000 in 2021, your benefit would be $1,250.

    Note: The total amount of all property tax relief benefits you receive cannot be more than the property taxes paid on your principal residence for the same year (ANCHOR benefit, Senior Freeze, Property Tax Deduction for senior citizens/disabled persons, and Property Tax Deduction for veterans).

  • My ANCHOR filing information lists my name and my former spouse/partner's name. How do I file?

    You must file a Special Circumstances Application to change the preprinted filing information. Be sure to include supporting documents, such as a divorce decree, with your application.

  • My ANCHOR filing information has my name and my deceased spouse's name. How do I remove my spouse's name?

    You must file a Special Circumstances Application to change the preprinted filing information. Be sure to include supporting documents, such as a death certificate, with your application.

  • I am filing the application on behalf of an estate. Should I leave the bank account open until I receive the ANCHOR payment?

    Speak to your bank and/or seek guidance about bank accounts from your attorney before closing the estate account.

  • On October 1, 2021, I owned a home with someone who was not my spouse. The preprinted name/property record indicates multiple names. How do I file?

    You must file a Special Circumstances Application in your name only. On the application, you need to indicate you owned the property with someone other than a spouse, and fill in your proportionate share of ownership. If your name is not preprinted, include a copy of the property deed that shows you are an owner.

  • My fiancé and I shared ownership of our home on October 1, 2021. We married after October 1, 2021, but before December 31, 2021. How should we file?

    You are considered one owner since you were married on or before December 31, 2021. You can file online if a name change is not needed. File online using the preprinted names, enter your 2021 combined gross income, and answer "no" when asked if you owned the home with someone other than a spouse.

    If a name change is required, you need to file a Special Circumstances Application and include legal documentation, such as a marriage certificate, that shows your correct name.

  • What if I did not marry until after December 31, 2021?

    In addition to income, your eligibility is based on when you owned and occupied the property on October 1, 2021, and what your tax filing status was in 2021. If you co-owned the property on October 1, 2021, but were unmarried as of December 31, 2021, you are considered multi-owners and each person must file their own application.

  • I owned a multi-unit property, and lived in one of the units. My filing information is not preprinted with the percentage of property I use as my principal residence. How do I file?

    You must file a Special Circumstances Application if you meet the other eligibility requirements.

  • I owned a home, and I rented out two bedrooms to renters. All three of us live in the home. Both renters signed their own lease. Are we all eligible for the benefit?

    Yes. You are eligible for ANCHOR as a homeowner, and the others are eligible as renters. Each individual has to file their own ANCHOR application.

  • I was the sole owner of my principal residence on October 1, 2021, but I was married. What income do I report on my 2021 ANCHOR application?

    If you and your spouse lived together in your home on October 1, 2021, you must report your combined income on your ANCHOR application. However, if your spouse maintained a separate principal residence on October 1, 2021, you should report only your income on the application.

  • Am I eligible to file if a trust owns the property?

    To be eligible, you must be a beneficiary of the trust, occupy the home as your main home on October 1, 2021, and meet the income requirements. The 2021 property taxes must have been paid by June 1, 2022. File a Special Circumstances Application, and submit a copy of the trust agreement for proof of eligibility.

Renter FAQs

  • Who is eligible for the ANCHOR program?

    New Jersey renters who meet the requirements based on 2021 residency, income, and age, are eligible for an ANCHOR renter benefit if:

    • You were a New Jersey resident; and
    • Your 2021 New Jersey gross income was not more than $150,000; and
    • Your name was on the lease or rental agreement; and
    • You paid rent; and
    • You rented and occupied a residence in New Jersey that was your principal residence (main home) on October 1, 2021; and
    • The rental property was subject to local property taxes (see Qualified and Non-Qualified Rental Properties).
  • Do I have to be a current New Jersey resident to apply?

    No. Applicants who moved after October 1, 2021, are eligible if they met the other 2021 program qualifications. However, you must have occupied a New Jersey rental unit as your principal residence on October 1, 2021.

  • What is the filing deadline?

    Saturday, November 30, 2024

  • When will I receive my ANCHOR benefit?

    Payments will be issued on a rolling basis. Most applicants can expect to receive their payment approximately 90 days after filing the application, unless we request additional information to process your claim.

  • I received an ANCHOR benefit (for Tax Year 2020). Do I have to apply for the current benefit?

    If you received an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter and all of the information contained in the letter was correct, you did not have to file an application for the current benefit. We filed an application on your behalf based on your prior year's approved application.

  • I received an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter, but my information has changed. What do I do?

    If any information from your prior filing changed, you must file your application on your own to update these changes before September 15, 2024. We will not make adjustments to your name or banking information after September 15, 2024. Payments will be issued using the information we have on file.

    Those who did not receive a letter should have received a mailer with instructions on how to file an application. If you did not receive a letter or a mailer and you qualify for the benefit, file an application by November 30, 2024.

  • I did not receive an ANCHOR Benefit (for Tax Year 2020), an ANCHOR Benefit Confirmation Letter, or filing packet. Can I still apply for the benefit?

    If you meet the qualifications for the current benefit, you may still apply for the program. Renters may file using the online option, and do not need an ID and PIN.

  • How much is the benefit for renters?

    Age in 2021 64 or younger 65 or older
    Benefit Amount $450 $700
  • Property Tax Credit. New Jersey renters, age 65 and over, who are not required to file a New Jersey Gross Income Tax return (NJ-1040), are eligible for a Property Tax Credit of up to $50. If you were a renter, over 65, in New Jersey on October 1, 2021, and did not claim a $50 Property Tax Credit on the NJ-1040, the credit will be included in your ANCHOR benefit payment. If you met the other requirements, your benefit would be $750.

  • I am a renter, but received a homeowner mailer. What should I do?

    If you rented a property on October 1, 2021, discard the homeowner mailer and file a Renter application.

  • I can't download the paper application. What should I do?

    This may be a browser or software issue. You should use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and upgrade to the latest Adobe software to download a paper application.

    If after you select to download the PDF you receive a, "Please wait..." message, go to your "Files" folder, choose your "Downloads" folder and open the PDF "ANCHOR_Renters_2021."

  • Where do I find the amount of my 2021 New Jersey gross income to report on my application?

    Your 2021 New Jersey gross income can be found on line29 of your 2021 New Jersey Income Tax return (NJ-1040). If you do not have access to your 2021 NJ-1040, you may use the amount from your 2023 NJ-1040. Report your income as $0 if you did not file an NJ-1040 for 2021 or 2023, you did not earn any income, or enough income to be required to file a NJ-1040 for those years.

  • Do I have to report my ANCHOR benefit on my New Jersey Income Tax return?

    No. ANCHOR benefit payments are not reportable as New Jersey income.

  • I rented an apartment with another person/multiple people on October 1, 2021. How do I file?

    Each renter applies separately. Enter your name only, the number of people you shared the rent with, and the names of all renters on the appropriate line. Married/Civil Union (CU) couples who file jointly are not considered multiple renters.

  • As a renter, am I still eligible if my housing complex does not pay traditional property taxes and has a P.I.L.O.T. (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) agreement?

    Yes. You are eligible if your rental unit operates under a P.I.L.O.T. (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) agreement with your municipality.

  • I live in government-assisted housing. Do I qualify for this benefit?

    Yes, as long as your residence was a "qualified rental property" subject to property taxes.

  • I was a resident at a senior housing facility on October 1, 2021. Am I eligible for the program?

    Yes, as long as the building was a “qualified rental property” subject to property taxes.

  • I paid to live in someone's home with them (e.g., parents, friends). Am I eligible?

    You are eligible for the ANCHOR benefit if you shared a residential property, paid rent, had a lease, and had access to the kitchen and bathroom. However, if you lived in a rented room with no kitchen privileges, you are not eligible.

  • I owned and occupied a home in New Jersey on October 1, 2021, but I sold it and now rent a home. Which application should I file?

    You should file the application for homeowners.

  • I was not able to pay all of my rent in 2021. Am I still eligible for a benefit?

    Yes. You would still be eligible for a benefit if you occupied the unit on October 1, 2021, and paid a portion of your rent.

  • How do I know if the property I rented on October 1, 2021, was subject to local property taxes?

    Check with your landlord or building owner.

  • Is there an age restriction for ANCHOR?


  • I was 65 years old in 2021. How much will I receive?

    This year's benefit provides an additional $250 for New Jersey residents who were 65 or older as of December 31, 2021. If you met the other requirements and reported 2021 New Jersey gross income of $150,000 or less, your benefit would be $700.

  • Property Tax Credit. New Jersey renters, age 65 and over, who are not required to file a New Jersey Gross Income Tax return (NJ-1040) are eligible for a Property Tax Credit of up to $50. If you were a renter in New Jersey on October 1, 2021, and not required to file an NJ-1040, your Property Tax Credit will be included in your ANCHOR benefit payment. If you met the other requirements, your benefit would be $750.

  • On October 1, 2021, the lease was in my name only but my fiance/ partner lived with me. How do I file?

    Only renters with names listed on the lease qualify for the benefit. Complete an application in your name only.

  • On October 1, 2021, the lease was in my name and my partner's name, and we lived together. We were a married/CU couple prior to January 1, 2021, and we want to receive one benefit payment. How do we file?

    Complete one application, and:

    • Enter your name (last name, first name, middle initial) and the first name and middle initial of your spouse/CU partner (last name only if different from yours);
    • Select your 2021 Income Tax filing status;
    • Enter your combined 2021 gross income.

    We each want to receive separate payments for our half of the benefit. How do we file?

    Each person must complete a separate application:

    • Enter only your name (last name, first name, middle initial);
    • Select your 2021 Income Tax filing status;
    • Check the box next to, "I would like my half of the benefit in a check with only my name" in Section D;
    • Enter your combined 2021 gross income (benefit eligibility and calculation are based on joint income).
  • On October 1, 2021, the lease was in my name and my fiance's name and we lived together. We were a married/CU couple after December 31, 2021. How do we file?

    • You must individually apply since you were not married on December 31, 2021;
    • Enter only your name (last name, first name, middle initial);
    • Select your 2021 Income Tax filing status;
    • Enter your 2021 gross income.
  • How do I file if I was a married person on October 1, 2021, but was divorced on or before December 31, 2021, and only I resided at that property on October 1?

    If you alone (not your spouse/partner) resided at the property on October 1, 2021, you should file an application in your name only.

  • I was a married person on October 1, 2021, but we were divorced on or before December 31, 2021. We both resided at the property on October 1, 2021. How do we file?

    Each of you is entitled to one half of the benefit. You should file an application in your name only, using the same filing status used on your 2021 Income Tax return. Your ex-spouse/partner must file a separate application to receive their half. FAQs

  • Why do I have to verify my identity?

    The New Jersey Division of Taxation has partnered with to verify the identity of taxpayers applying for the NJ ANCHOR benefit. This step helps safeguard your identity and benefit from potential fraud. While not all taxpayers will need to use, those who do must complete this verification before applying for the ANCHOR benefit.

    If you suspect your identity has been compromised and need to report potential fraud, please let us know by reporting it.

  • How long does the identity verification process take?

    The process can be completed in a few minutes using your computer or mobile phone. A copy of your Social Security number and common identity verification documents are needed to process your identity verification.

  • How do I get started?

    We offer three options for you to verify your identity. Choose the method that's convenient for you:

    • Self Service: This is the fastest way to complete your identity verification. You will be guided through an online process. You can use your own mobile phone or computer that has a camera.
    • Video Chat: Meet online with an employee to walk you through the process. You can use your own mobile phone or computer that has a camera.
    • In-Person Support: Select the In-Person Verification method, where you will be prompted to enter your zip code and city name to locate the most convenient location for your appointment. There are 29 UPS locations around the state that partner with to offer in-person support. We recommend making an appointment, but you can choose to walk in any time during regular business hours. If you schedule an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email from with a QR code that you will show when you come in and a list of documents you will need to bring to your appointment in order to complete your application.

    If you have questions about this required identity verification, visit

    Important things to remember:

    • Sign up for through our ANCHOR filing application. Note: The passcode they may send your phone is not the same passcode you enter to file your ANCHOR application online.
    • To verify your identity, you'll need your Social Security number and one or more identity verification documents, depending on which method of verification you choose. Make sure you have this ready when you begin the process. The process is not complete until you see a message saying you were successfully verified and granted access.

      The ANCHOR application passcode is different from the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code from The MFA code confirms your identity when logging into, while the ANCHOR passcode is specific to your application. If you received a passcode, it is on your application mailer and can be used to access the ANCHOR application online. If you do not have a passcode, you will need to verify your identity through and use the MFA code instead. Our representatives can help but cannot provide a passcode.

    • Step-by-Step Guide to set up your Account

      You must show one of the documents listed below for your verification method in order to successfully complete identity verification:

      • Driver's license;
      • State ID;
      • Passport card;
      • Passport.

      In some cases, you will be asked for further documentation. If this is the case, you will need either two primary documents or one primary and two secondary documents from this list. We recommend that you prepare those documents just in case you may need them.

      If you verify your identity at a UPS location, you will need:

      • One identification document from the "Primary Documents" list here. Make sure you bring this with you.
      • One identification document with your current valid U.S. address. Make sure you bring this with you.
      • In some cases, you may be asked to show a document with your full Social Security number. If you have a document with your Social Security number on hand, we recommend bringing it along.

  • I don't have access to a computer or phone. How else can I verify my identity?

    Use one of these alternate resources if you are unable to access your email on a computer or phone:

    • Regional Information Center computer; or
    • Your town's public library computer (Note: the computer will need a camera).
  • Can I select a language other than English to complete the verification process?

    Yes. After clicking the link to verify your identity, select the language you prefer to complete the verification process.

    You also have the option of completing the process via a live video conference session in the language of your choice.

  • I'm having issues creating an account. Who can help me?

    Submit a request for help here. New Jersey Division of Taxation staff are unable to access your account or assist with the process.

  • I already verified my identity for the IRS. Do I have to do it again for New Jersey Division of Taxation?

    If you have already completed verification for another agency (such as the IRS or the New Jersey Department of Labor), please log in to your account. You will be instructed on how to share that proof of verification with New Jersey Taxation and if there is anything additional you may be required to do.

  • I completed the identity verification process through What happens now?

    When you successfully complete the verification process, you will be advanced to the next step of the online application process.
    Note: Even if you successfully verify your identity, your ANCHOR benefit may be denied for other eligibility reasons.

  • What if I did not receive a confirmation that I verified my identity successfully?

    If you have not received the confirmation email, you likely did not complete the process. Try verifying your identity again. Please reach out to support if you believe you completed your verification and need support.

  • Will I ever need to repeat the identity verification process?

    When filing a new application each year, you will be asked to sign in to your existing account to link your existing verification to the new application, but will not have to repeat the verification steps.

  • I do not want to share my biometrics data. How else can I verify my identity?

    You can use the video chat option to verify your identity if you do not want to share biometric data.

    Select the In-Person Verification method, where you will be prompted to enter your zip code and city name to locate the most convenient location for your appointment. There are 29 UPS locations around the state that partner with to offer in person support. We recommend making an appointment, but you can choose to walk-in any time during regular business hours. You must create an account online before you come in. If you scheduled an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code that you will show when you come in and a list of documents you will need to bring to your appointment in order to complete your application.

  • What if I choose to not participate in identity proofing, or fail to prove my identity when I first apply?

    If you choose not to participate in the identity verification process, or you fail the verification process, you can still submit a paper application.

Last Updated: Monday, 09/16/24