New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency


NJHMFA is seeking to partner with non-profit entities on the Foreclosure Intervention Program, which will finance the purchase and rehabilitation of vacant or abandoned houses for sale to low-to-moderate income homebuyers. To be eligible, non-profits must have experience conducting dwelling rehabilitation, mortgage servicing and underwriting, or the financing and acquisition of real estate for affordable housing. If you have any questions, contact NJHMFA at


The Residential Foreclosure Intervention Program (FIP) is a New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) program designed to address the issue of vacant or abandoned residential properties. This program empowers qualified non-profit organizations to purchase and rehabilitate these properties to make them inhabitable and available for sale to low-, moderate-, or middle-income households. The primary goal of FIP is to prevent vacant homes from falling into disrepair or being purchased by institutional investors for rental purposes. By rehabilitating these properties and offering them to residents as ownership opportunities, the FIP contributes to community revitalization and expands housing options for those with limited incomes.

The FIP is funded through fees collected during sheriff sales and through state appropriations as $25 million in additional support has been allocated from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. Eligible non-profit organizations can apply for grants of up to $400,000 per property to acquire and rehabilitate single-family homes, townhomes, or condominiums. After rehabilitation, these properties will be available for purchase by eligible low-, moderate-, or middle-income households. To further assist these households, NJHMFA provides qualified homebuyers up to $22,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance through its Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program.

FIP Guidlines


FIP Application

FIP Income Limits

Upload Instruction Guide


Please use this link to check if the property is in a flood zone.
1. Click on flood hazards on left side of the screen and add FEMA flood zones.
2. Add an additional 3 feet using the Add Total Water Level layer.

3. Click on the search tool on the top right of the screen to look up the property.

4. If the property is located in a Flood Hazard Area defined by NJDEP, the property is not eligible.
5. A Flood Hazard Area which is a 100-year flood zone plus an additional amount of water in fluvial areas.
6. The blue zone indicates a 100 year flood plain, which would not be eligible for the program.

FIP Income Limits