New Jersey Department of Education

About Special Education Determinations

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B regulations, § 300.600(a)(2), require states to make determinations annually about the performance of each local education agency (LEA), using the categories meets requirements, needs assistance, needs intervention, and needs substantial intervention (§ 300.603(b)(1)). The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (USOSERS) 2009 memo, Questions and Answers on Monitoring, Technical Assistance, and Enforcement, provides further details on factors states must consider when making LEA determinations, including:  

  • performance on State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) compliance indicators;   
  • valid and reliable data;   
  • correction of identified noncompliance, and 
  • other data or components available to the state regarding the LEA’s compliance with the IDEA, including relevant audit findings.   

States may also include other information they deem relevant to LEA determinations aside from SPP/APR indicators. The Office of Special Education (OSE), in alignment with the requirements of the United States Office of Special Education (USOSEP) determinations, will use the following factors listed below. Components are described as indicators or factors that are reflected in the FY2022 determinations matrix. Points allocated are based on current FY2022 results. 

Data Suppression

As part of the public reporting, you may see data that is suppressed, or “blank”. Data suppression rules govern how certain information, such as demographic data or student performance data, is handled and reported to ensure compliance with privacy laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). However, district administrators can access their unsuppressed data through the Homeroom application. 

Differentiated Supports for Local Determinations

After the LEA Determination Percentage is calculated, LEAs are ordered by rank, and a percentile is calculated. The LEA’s percentile ranking corresponds with an LEA Determination category, placing an LEA into one of four categories as described below. The LEA Determination categories align with those used by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) when evaluating State Education Agencies (SEAs) 34 CFR § 300.603(b). 

  • Meets Requirements –6th percentile and above
  • Needs Assistance – 5th percentile and below
  • Needs Intervention – determined on a case-by-case basis
  • Needs Substantial Intervention – determined on a case-by-case basis

The OSE maintains a commitment to improving educational achievements and functional outcomes for every student with disabilities while ensuring that local educational agencies fulfill the requirements under Part B of the IDEA. The OSE has designed three Differentiated Levels of Support to meet the needs of LEAs to improve educational results and outcomes for students with disabilities. An explanation of the Differentiated Levels of Support is provided in this section.

For LEAs with the FFY2022 determination of Meets Requirements, the OSE provides Tier 1 Support: Information and Guidance. Within this tier, the OSE aims to equip LEAs with the tools and knowledge necessary to drive positive outcomes and address areas of need effectively. This may include:

Utilizing resource documents provided by the OSE to inform strategic planning, engage stakeholders effectively, and foster a culture of continuous improvement within their organizations.

For LEAs with the FFY2022 determination of Needs Assistance, the OSE provides Tier 2 Support: Assistance and Consultation. Within this tier, LEAs will:

  • Be notified via memo with required actions;
  • Have access to the information, guidance, and opportunities listed as part of Tier 1 Support: Information and Guidance; and,
  • Identify a team to collaborate with OSE staff to identify needs and success gaps relative to the determinations matrix and receive targeted support for improvement.

For LEAs with the FFY2022 determination of Needs Intervention or Substantial Intervention, the OSE will provide Tier 3 Support: Direction and Transformation. The process for tier 3 support is determined on a case-by-case basis. In addition, LEAs will: 

  • Be notified via memo with required actions
  • Have access to the information, guidance, and opportunities listed as part of Tier 1 Support: Information and Guidance.

Note: For FFY2022, LEAs only received Tier 1 and 2 designations. 

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