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NJ Time Machine – 1930 and 2020 Imagery

See the many changes in the New Jersey landscape over a 90-year span from 1930 to 2020

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Property Explorer App

Search all parcels in NJ by address, county, municipality, block and lot

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Monthly Updates

Beginning June 2022, the road centerlines, address points, and statewide geocoding service will be updated monthly

NJ State Boundary Project Story Map

Learn about mapping history across NJ state lines

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Looking for imagery?

Download using the Imagery Warehouse app and AWS Command Line Interface, or stream online

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Need jurisdictional boundary data for your web apps?

NJ County, Municipal Boundaries, and Centroids as high performance feature services, leveraging ArcGIS Online's scalable infrastructure. Available in both NJ State Plane (3424) and Web Mercator (3857).

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Elevation Data

Quality level 2 elevation products available for download

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Data Sharing

Share your authoritative data with the world via NJGIN Open Data!

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Recently Shared Data

Most recently shared items by NJOGIS

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Parcel Data

Learn about NJ parcel boundaries, property ownership info, and access to these datasets

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Maintenance scheduled for NJOGIS map services & applications

Due to scheduled maintenance, NJOGIS map services & applications may be unavailable on Monday, October 21, 2024 from noon to 1pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.

October 2024

NJ Next Gen 911 Grant FY 2025

Counties and Municipalities with a population over 65,000 residents may apply for funding for multi-year GIS Consultant support for Next Generation 911 data management of road centerlines and site address points. In your application please include costs to meet Section IV) A) on page 4 of the grant document. Apply for grant funds by November 30, 2024. Email Brian Embley with questions.

NJ Next Gen 911 Grant FY 2025

October 2024

New Esri Contract With New Jersey Now in Effect

The New Jersey Office of GIS is pleased to announce that there is a new contract with Esri and the State in place. The contract covers Esri's GIS software and services and can be used by any governmental entity in New Jersey. Information on the contract, such as the current price list and the method of operation, may be found on NJSTART. Please note that there is a new master blanket purchase order number of 25-TELE-82239.

July 2024

NJOGIS applications and services to be retired on Monday, June 10

The NJ Office of GIS will be retiring GIS applications and services in favor of hosted (cloud) services capable of high demand and services published by authoritative GIS data stewards. These GIS applications and services will be taken down on or around Monday, June 10, 2024. View the list of retirements at the link below.

June 2024

Updated Parcels data available for New Jersey

Recent data updates include Cumberland, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, and Somerset Counties.

May 2024

NJ Time Machine App Released – 1930 and 2020 Imagery

The Time Machine application juxtaposes existing statewide orthoimagery libraries from 1930 and 2020 to let users see the changes to the New Jersey landscape over the intervening 90 years.

NJ Time Machine app - map image

January 2024

Interactive Maps

Imagery Warehouse

Imagery Warehouse

Interactively download tiles from the most frequently requested imagery collections

Property Explorer App

Property Explorer App

Search all parcels in NJ by address, county, municipality, block and lot

NJ Time Machine – 1930 and 2020 Imagery

NJ Time Machine – 1930 and 2020 Imagery

See the many changes in the New Jersey landscape over a 90-year span from 1930 to 2020

Congressional District Finder

Congressional District Finder

Search for U.S. Senators and Congressional Representatives by address

2019 South NJ LiDAR Collection

2019 South NJ LiDAR Collection

Download point cloud data (.laz files) and other elevation products

2018 Northwest NJ LiDAR Collection

2018 Northwest NJ LiDAR Collection

Download point cloud data (.laz)

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