Share Your Data

Share Your Data on NJGIN Open Data

Share your authoritative content - geospatial data for which you are the data steward - to the GIS community. NJGIN now supports search for data and documentation published together. This enables users to access datasets in their search results right away as a live map service and/or downloadable data files. There are just three steps to get your authoritative content included in NJGIN Open Data.


How to Share with NJGIN Open Data

Step 1: Contact Us

Send NJOGIS an email to indicate you are interested in sharing your content. This allows us to complete the necessary steps to add your content to NJGIN Open Data. We can also answer any questions you may have. This is only necessary if this this is the first time that you are providing your authoritative content for inclusion in NJGIN Open Data.


Step 2: Document Your Content

Geospatial metadata is necessary to describe your content to NJGIN Open Data users.

Have no fear! NJGIN Core is here!
With the new NJGIN Core specification, it is now easier and faster than ever to document your content for NJGIN Open Data. NJGIN Core is a subset of the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), consisting of only 12 elements. It is quicker to author and enough to describe your content for NJGIN Open Data.

Full FGDC - CSDGM Metadata
To describe your content to the fullest extent, use the complete FGDC - CSDGM standard. It is considered best practice and is the State of NJ standard for metadata. Visit Metadata Support for more information.


Step 3: Publish Your Content

Your authoritative content should either be a published map service (hosted on a GIS server or on ArcGIS Online) or a zipped data file (shapefile, file geodatabase, etc.). Create a public item for your content in your ArcGIS Online organization, making sure that the required metadata is completed. NJOGIS can then link to the item directly and include it in NJGIN Open Data.

Using ArcGIS Pro?
View our steps on how to publish a Web Layer from ArcGIS Pro.

What if I don’t have ArcGIS Online?
No problem, NJOGIS can help. Contact Us for assistance.