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news release

P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Mairin Bellack
Steve Schapiro
RELEASE: August 06, 2019

Local Bridges Fund applications being accepted for $47.3 million in FY20 grants

Program provides millions to each county to improve local bridges

(Trenton) - The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced the grant solicitation period for FY20 Local Bridges Fund program is open with applications being accepted through October 16, 2019.

“The New Jersey Department of Transportation is committed to maintaining and improving New Jersey’s local transportation infrastructure by providing funds to make critical improvements to county-owned bridges, over which thousands of motorists travel daily,” NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti said.  “Using money generated by the gas tax allows NJDOT to support our communities and improve all roads and bridges in the State.”

Local Bridges Fund is a $47.3 million program funded through the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), which provides funding for each of New Jersey’s 21 counties for the improvement of county bridges. Every county receives $1 million and the additional funding is allotted based on a formula taking into account the total bridge deck area in the county, and the amount of deck area in poor condition in the county. As part of the Department’s Statewide Capital Investment Strategy, the grants are intended to help counties focus on the bridges under their jurisdiction with the greatest structural deficiencies.

The grants are administered by the NJDOT Divisions of Local Aid and Economic Development and evaluated by the Division of Bridge Engineering and Infrastructure Management, and are funded through the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.  Each year, Local Aid grants represent a significant portion of Local System Support, which also includes local lead projects, regional planning and project development, and transportation alternative projects.

For more information about the Local Bridge Fund program or other Local Aid programs go to www.njdotlocalaidrc.com; email DOT-LocalAID.ResourceCenter@dot.nj.gov or call 609.649.9395. For NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info and on the NJDOT Facebook page.

Please note, the NJDOT Communications Office has a new phone number – 609-963-1975.

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  Last Updated:  August 7, 2019