Department of Transportation

2030 Long Range Plan

Plan Development Documents

The following is a list of documents that were prepared during the process of developing the New Jersey Long Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Choices 2030.

The Long Range Plan
Long Range Transportation Plan Fact Sheet (pdf 184k) (Posted 12/01/2005) now and in the next 25 years
Transportation Choices 2030 Presentation (pdf 3.6m) (Posted 12/01/2005)
Urban Supplement Fact Sheet (Posted 4/10/2006)

Technical Analysis/Assessments
Assessing New Jersey's Transportation System (pdf 9.5m) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Demographic Analysis, Technical Memorandum (pdf 9.1m) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Local Street Connectivity (pdf 15.1m) (Posted 12/19/2008)

Public Participation & Education
Focus Group Summary Report (pdf 131k) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Mobility of Aging and Disabled Populations Fact Sheet (pdf 130k) (Posted 2/14/2006)
Pilot Course for High School Students (pdf 2.04m) (Posted 5/23/2006)
Statewide Public Opinion Survey (pdf 399k) (Posted 1/17/2006)
Transportation Choices 2030 Education Program (pdf 513k) (Posted 5/23/2006)

Advisory Panels, Agenda & Meetings Summaries
Engaging the Public (pdf 87k) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Environmental Justice (pdf 100k) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Mobility of Aging and Disabled Populations (pdf 101k) (Posted 4/13/2007)
Smart Growth (pdf 74k) (Posted 4/13/2007)

Please email your comments.

Last updated date: September 27, 2019 11:21 AM