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Division of Purchase and Property

Doing Business with Division of Purchase and Property

All businesses must have a valid Business Registration Certificate (BRC) from the Department of the Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services prior to conducting business in the State of New Jersey and prior to the award of a contract.

Any bidder, inclusive of any named subcontractor(s), who does not possess a valid Business Registration Certificate prior to the award of a contract will be deemed ineligible for contract award.

Potential Small Business Vendors wishing to participate in the NJ State Set-Aside program may register their company with the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, Small Business Enterprise Unit

View information regarding the Small Business Set-Aside program and its regulations.

All new bidding opportunities are now administered through NJSTART, the State’s electronic procurement system. View all current bidding opportunities.

We strongly encourage all vendors to register at NJSTART. NJSTART is designed to streamline the procurement process and make it more efficient for companies looking to do business with the State. Key features of NJSTART include direct notifications about new bidding opportunities emailed to vendors based on the commodity codes they select during registration; an online repository for vendor forms, eliminating the need to prepare forms repeatedly; vendors can view their remittance addresses to ensure their accuracy and select their preferred form of payment; and vendors can see a snapshot of the certifications required to do business with the State along with their status.

The Bid Solicitation {RFP} provides all necessary instructions and a complete description of the requirement with specifications and terms and conditions to enable the preparation of a compliant proposal.

Submitted proposals are opened publicly on the date and time specified on the NJSTART website. After the opening of proposals they are reviewed to determine if they are responsive and all forms and registrations have been included.

Responsive proposals are evaluated by a Procurement Bureau Procurement Specialist or Evaluation Committee based on price, terms and conditions, specifications, and other factors.

Following the evaluation of responsive proposals, all vendors {bidders} whose proposals were evaluated will receive a Notice of Intent to Award, indicating which vendor(s) will be awarded a State Contract.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 02/15/22