Open Competitive Exams

Once a candidate passes all parts of the exam, Veteran's Preference becomes absolute when creating the rank of the eligible lists. Disable Veterans (DV), in order of their scores, have absolute preference over all other candidates. Then, Veterans, in order of their scores, are ranked the next highest. Non veterans are ranked according to their scores. The "Rule of Three" does not apply if there are Disabled Veterans and Veterans on the list.

Ranked Eligible List

Name Status Score Name Status Score Rank
John Green (NV)  90 Robert Brown (DV)  80 1
Charles Black  (V) 85 Charles Black (V) 85 2
Mary White (V) 85 Mary White (V) 85 2
Robert Brown (DV) 80 John Green (NV) 90 3
Jane Silver (NV) 80 Jane Silver (NV) 80 4
Tom Gold (NV) 75 Tom Gold (NV) 75 5

Robert Brown, Charles Black and Mary White must be offered appointments in order of their rank because they are veterans. After all of the veterans are appointed or removed, the appointing authority may then offer the next appointment to either John Green, Jane Silver or Tom Gold under the rule of three because they are the three highest ranking non veterans.


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