Rationale for Test Mode Determination
Evaluation of Education and Experience
Questionnaire/Supplemental Application
Written Test
Supervisory Test Battery
Once you establish a score on the STB exam, your score is valid for up to five (5) years. Your score may be applied to future announcements tested under this program for up to five (5) years, as long as the same version of the STB test is in use. Test score duration does not affect the duration of eligible lists issued. These lists will remain in effect until their established expiration date.
You may retake the STB after one year. If you choose to retake the STB after one year, your score is based solely on that latest test administration.
Management Test Battery
Announcement and Testing Schedules
There are two non-public safety examinations that follow a regular announcement and testing schedule.
Computer Based Testing
The Civil Service Commission's computer-based testing sites are located throughout New Jersey. They include community colleges in Bergen, Camden, Mercer, Middlesex, Mercer and Gloucester Counties, as well as the CSC's test facility in Trenton.
Once the test has been scored, you will be mailed a notification with your final score and rank on the employment list.
Bilingual Skills Testing
Here is an illustration of the differences in foreign language proficiency:
Level 1: candidates can hold routine, repetitive and casual conversations, direct clients to various locations, and express general ideas. Candidates at this level usually don't have questions or comments from clients that are out of the ordinary and can get by with a smaller vocabulay and less knowledge of grammar, as long as their comprehension skills are serviceable. Examples: Be able to say in the foreign language, "Mrs. Smith is absent today because she is very sick," or "Your appointment is this Tuesday at 2:00 pm. Please go to room #5 and bring all of your papers with you."
Level 2: candidates can express the policies of an organization and have more meaningful and autonomous interactions with clients on in-depth, imperative, and/or non-routine matters. Examples: Be able to say in the foreign language, "Mr. Smith will not be eligible for that welfare program because his income has increased," or "Your parental rights have been terminated because you put your child in danger several times." In some law enforcement fields, candidates may also be expected to respond to imperative situations for their own safety and the safety of others, such as being able to say in the foreign language, "Freeze! Drop the gun!"
Level 3: candidates are interpreters who may need to use specialized terminology or technical concepts. They have the greatest stake in the welfare and outcome of their clients, and often have to keep up with rapidly-speaking clients who are under stress. Examples: Be able to tell a client in the foreign language, "Your mother was diagnosed with severe damage to her spinal cord; she may never walk again," or "The defendant will plead guilty to the charge of involuntary manslaughter."
If you applied for a Spanish/English bilingual title in June 2014 or later, you may be scheduled for a multiple-choice BICAT exam. If your Spanish bilingual job title is non-competitive or you did not take a base test, you will be scheduled for the multiple-choice BICAT as soon as possible.
Browse the Orientation Guide for the Spanish multiple-choice BICAT here.
If you
- Applied for a bilingual job before June 2014;
- Are on a list that was previously certified; or
- Applied for a foreign language other than Spanish,
you may be required to take a former, oral and written test format. If you are subject to this format, you will receive a notification letter in the mail shortly after the time of certification that will explain the exam and notify you of your test appointment.
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