Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Cape May Historic District: Emlen Physick Estate and Carriage House

Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund
Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund
Capital Level II
Capital Level I
Historic Site Management
Grant Award: $97,651 (2000); $50,000 (2007); $30,600 (2009); $81,620 (2020); $47,370 (2021); $50,000 (2021); $38,763 (2021); $61,845 (2022); $110,475 (2022); $32,308 (2023); $404,611 (2023)
Grant Recipient: Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (Cape May MAC)
County: Cape May
Municipality: Cape May City

The Emlen Physick Estate is an outstanding example of Victorian Stick-style architecture. Constructed in 1879, the building is attributed to prominent Philadelphia architect Frank Furness. The building’s architectural character, as defined by its ornate inverted chimneys, its arcaded porch, its dormers, and its combined roof forms is representative of the Stick Style. The house is the only Furness-designed domestic commission open to the public. When the building and its eight outbuildings were threatened with demolition in the 1960s, a local group of concerned citizens formed the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (now Cape May MAC) to save the resource. Cape May City purchased the estate in 1970 and MAC has leased and maintained it since that time.

The 2023 Capital Level I Trust grant will help fund chimney restoration, electrical improvements of historic lighting fixtures, and porch repairs. The 2023 Capital Level II Trust grant will help fund the installation of HVAC systems and electrical upgrades.

The 2022 Capital Level I Trust grant will help fund the installation of a dry-pipe fire suppression system in the basement.The 2022 HSM grant helped fund final design and construction documents for a HVAC system. 

The 2021 grants helped fund an adaptive use and interpretation study; research and development of schematic designs and cost estimates for an HVAC system; and fire-blocking restoration, mold remediation in the 2nd floor toilet rooms, and the re-installation of wood storm windows. The 2020 Trust grant helped fund exterior rehabilitation, including roof repairs, of the eight outbuildings, plus repairs to masonry arch chimney supports in the basement of the main house. The 2009 Trust grant helped fund the preparation of construction drawings and specifications for the installation of a geothermal heating and cooling system for the museum. Previous Trust grants helped fund landscape restoration and the preparation of a detailed study and schematic plans for a new HVAC system to protect the house and its collection. 

The site has also received funding from three Cultural Trust grants. 

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