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Historic Structure Reports & Preservation Plans: A Preparation Guide (2nd Ed.)
Planning documents for historic properties were formally developed in 1935, and provide a means of documenting original construction, alterations and owners, identifying current conditions, and making prioritized recommendations for future work. Since their inception, the content and structure of these planning documents has evolved into “Historic Structure Reports,” and recently, in a more abbreviated form, “Preservation Plans.” The need for Historic Structure Reports and Preservation Plans is based on the understanding that each historic property is a unique and irreplaceable resource.
In 1998 the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office published the Historic Structure Reports & Preservation Plans: A Preparation Guide to assist those working with historic structures and sites in understanding the basic documentation and analysis that is necessary in planning for future care and treatment of historic resources. Administered by the New Jersey Historic Trust, with the collaboration of the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service, this second edition represents the first major revision of the Guide since its publication.
Historic Structure Reports & Preservation Plans: A Preparation Guide - Second Edition (PDF)
Historic Structure Reports & Preservation Plans Checklist (PDF)
Capital Needs Assessment
More than twenty years ago a survey of several hundred properties demonstrated a need for more than $400 million in capital repairs and improvements to New Jersey's historic resources. This documentation helped to solidify support for the preservation grant program through the Garden State Preservation Trust.
View and download the 1990 report (PDF)
In 2012 the Historic Trust collected updated information on today's historic sites and their needs for preservation funds for repair, restoration, rehabilitation and site improvements. The Capital Needs Survey identified more than $751 million in need for historic resources throughout New Jersey. Results were published in the report Keeping the Past Present: The New Jersey Historic Trust, 1967-2013.
Read the Executive Summary (PDF)
Read the full report (PDF)
Economic Impact of Historic Preservation: Partners in Prosperity
New Jersey's Partners in Prosperity study serves as a model for scores of other studies at the state, county, and local levels in communities across the country. Results of the study are quoted regularly by historic preservation advocates who know the findings are persuasive facts that encourage lawmakers, business decision makers, and private citizens to note the practical, positive impact that historic preservation has on our state and regional economies.
Read the report summary or download the complete research document
New Jersey's Statewide Preservation Plan
The New Jersey Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation Plan is a new 2023-2028 plan developed by the NJ Historic Preservation Office (HPO) and Preservation New Jersey. This plan is intended to guide not only the HPO, but also to provide direction to state, county, and local governments, private organizations, and individuals in their efforts to protect and to preserve New Jersey’s rich and diverse history.
The Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route In The State of New Jersey, 1781-1783: An Historical and Architectural Survey
The New Jersey Historic Trust announces the completion of The Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route in The State of New Jersey, 1781-1783: An Historical and Architectural Survey by historian Robert A. Selig, Ph. D. The survey is an in depth and detailed study of military marches through the State of New Jersey during the American Revolutionary War of both French Army troops and Continental Army troops in 1781-1783 en route to the defeat of the British Army and General Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, 1781, and their return journey north.
The full study is available in three PDF files
New Jersey State History Plan
The New Jersey State History Plan builds on the recommendations that the Task Force for New Jersey History made to the Governor in 1997. The plan seeks to unite a diverse constituency and should be officially recognized as a public statement, endorsed by the history community, that lays the groundwork and provides guidelines for specific action to direct public policy and to encourage the provision of adequate resources for history institutions.