New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

1772 Foundation

As of 2019, the Trust and the 1772 Foundation will no longer offer the small, matching grant program. For more information about our Preserve New Jersey grant program please visit /dca/njht/programs/preservenj/.  

The 1772 Foundation, in cooperation with the New Jersey Historic Trust, offers Capital Preservation Grants, up to $15,000, available to nonprofit organizations for repair and restoration projects. The grants require a one-to-one match from the grant recipient.

Eligible applicants must have a 501(c)3 IRS designation. Organizations must have closed any previously awarded 1772 Foundation matching grants to be eligible to apply. Schools and religious congregations are not eligible to apply.

Eligible activites include: exterior painting, finishes and surface restoration; fire detection, lightning protection and security systems; repair and restoration of porches, roofs and windows; repairs to foundations and sills; and chimney and masonry repointing.

To demonstrate the sustainability of historic sites, applicants may be required to submit a cyclical maintenance plan, condition assessment, restoration plan or stewardship plan that has been prepared or updated within the last five years. If an appropriate plan does not exist, the Foundation will consider providing support for development of a plan on a case-by-case basis.

Contact New Jersey Historic Staff with questions about the project scope or application-specific questions.  

Sign up for the NJHT mailing list to be alerted to future grant opportunities.

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