New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Capital Grants

All applicants are required to submit the online application, as well as a USB with all required attachments by the application deadline of April 24, 2025 at 4:00pm. The Trust has also provided Word and PDF versions of the application so that applicants can view the application in its entirety. We highly recommend that you type your answers into the Word version of the application first, and then copy/paste into the online application to avoid any potential loss of data. 

Click here for the Online Capital Application

Click here for the Word version of the Capital Application

Click here for the PDF version of the Capital Application

Below is a link to the Capital Supporting Documents Checklist. This checklist includes all of the attachments for the capital application. The attachments must be uploaded onto a USB drive and delivered either via mail or in-person to the Trust office by April 24, 2025 at 4:00pm (not postmarked by). If you are having trouble completing all of the required attachments, please reach out to NJHT staff directly.

Click here for the Capital Supporting Documents Checklist

Capital Level I Grant requests may range from $5,000 to $150,000. There is a 3:2 match, meaning that for every $3 in grant requests the applicant must provide at least $2 in matching funds. 

For example, if the grant request is $120,000 the applicant must match that with another $80,000, making a total budget of $200,000. 


Capital Level II Grant requests may range from $150,001 to $750,000. There is a 1:1 match, meaning the applicant must provide at least $1 in matching funds for every $1 of grant money requested. 

For example, if the grant request is $500,000, the applicant must match that with another $500,000, making a total budget of $1,000,000. 


Capital Level III - Multiphase requestsion may range from $500,000 to $750,000. There is a 1:1 match, meaning the applicant must provide at least $1 in matching funds for every $1 of grant money requested. For example, if the grant request is $500,000, the applicant must match that with another $500,000, making a total budget of $1,000,000. 

All applicants must submit the signed Applicant's Governing Body/Board Resolution and Assurances page with each application. It should be included as Attachment A on the USB drive.  


If the applicant does not own the property, the Owner Approval should be included as Attachment B on the USB drive.

Applicants must own or have a long-term lease (15 years) giving them permission to conduct the proposed activities. If the applicant does not have a long-term lease, they must submitt the Joint Signatory Consent form (Attachment B).

  • Individually listed in the NJ or National Register of Historic Places
  • Contributing resource to a historic district listed in the NJ or National Register 

Properties must be listed or certified eligible for listing by August 1, 2025 in order to be considered for funding in this grant round.  

For Capital projects, all properties must be listed in order to receive grant funds.

All work must conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (Revised 2017). These regulations must be followed as they are now in effect and as they may be subsequently modified, changed, or amended. These are referred to as the Standards throughout the text. Work claimed as match expended must have been spent between April 24, 2023 and April 24, 2025. 

  • Preservation, Rehabilitation, or Restoration as defined by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.

  • Archaeology, meeting or exceeding the minimum professional qualifications as defined in the Secretary of Interior’s Standards.

  • Alternative barrier-free access

  • Improvements

  • Reconstruction as defined by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Up to 20% of the project budget requested may reimburse for this activity.

  • New construction of a new free-standing or attached building or structure, of a pathway or walkway, or a substantial remodel of a space. Applicants must demonstrate that the new construction is necessary and appropriate for the resource and explain how the project will enhance the visitor experience.

  • Project sign

  • Interpretive or directional signs, plaques or literature approved by the Trust for funding as part of the historic preservation project. These items must relate specifically to the property for which the grant is received.

  • Certain non-construction activities related directly to the development, implementation, and monitoring of historic preservation projects and post-construction interpretation of a historic resource. Up to 20% of the total amount of the project costs funded by the grant award may be used to fund such activities, which include:
    • Architectural plans, designs, specifications, cost estimates, and other construction administration services
    • Nominations to the State or National Register of Historic Places
    • Feasibility studies
    • Historic structure reports
    • Historic landscape reports
    • Engineering reports
    • Historic research reports
    • Material conservation analyses (paint, mortar, masonry, etc.)
    • Interpretive materials
  • Multiphase Funding Commitments are available for the 2023 grant round. Capital grant applicants can apply for phased, multi-year funding. These multi-phase funding commitments will be made to large-scale capital projects with a minimum request of $500,000 per grant round. A successful multi-phase grant applicant will receive a grant award of $500,000-$750,000 in 2023 with a commitment to fund subsequent capital phases in the following years. Multi-phase commitments are contingent on funding appropriations and on the applicant’s successful completion of each capital phase. Multi-phase applicants must submit project budgets for each phase, as well as for the project as a whole. Click here for the Capital Multiphase Budget Worksheet.

Please see the Grant Guidelines for more information on eligible and ineligible activities. Contact Trust staff if you do not see your proposed activity listed. 

The following criteria will be used to evaluate and rank applications for these grant funds:

  • Historical significance of the resource
  • Physical condition of the property
  • Ability of the applicant to match the funds requested
  • Ability of the applicant to complete the proposed work
  • Potential of the project to foster preservation of the historic property; to promote other preservation activity or related cultural or economic activity; and to foster appropriate site management practices that sustain the long-term use of a property
  • Appropriateness of project to meet the needs of the resource and quality of the work proposed for funding
  • Degree to which the project represents innovative design or programming and reaches new audiences
  • Degree to which the project contributes toward a balanced distribution of program funds