New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Revolving Loan Fund

Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund

The Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund, established in 1987 and funded through a state bond program, provides financing for the preservation, improvement, restoration, rehabilitation, and acquisition of historic properties.

Loan Terms and Amounts

The minimum loan amount to be accepted for review is $25,000. No single loan amount can exceed 15% of the revolving loan fund balance as of July 1 of the current fiscal year. Currently, the maximum available loan is $370,000. The interest rate on these loans is no more than 4%, and the term of the loan repayment period is up to twenty years, although the usual range is from five to ten years.

Eligible Applicants

  • are agencies or entities of county or municipal government; or
  • nonprofit organizations that are certified tax-exempt and comply with New Jersey charity registration laws

Eligible Properties and Ownership Criteria

  • listed in the New Jersey or National Register of Historic Places;
  • contribute to the significance of a historic district listed in the New Jersey or National Register of Historic Places; or
  • are certified as eligible for listing by the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer.


  • Unless the application is a request for acquisition, applicants must demonstrate control of the property through a deed or valid lease.

Eligible Activities

Loans may be used for preservation, improvement, restoration, rehabilitation and acquisition of historic properties.

Criteria for Funding

The following criteria will be used to evaluate and rank applications for grant awards:

Application and Instructions

Potential applicants must consult with the Trust staff prior to applying.  Contact Glenn Ceponis at 609 777 1204.  Download the Revolving Loan Fund Application Part A.

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