New Jersey Housing Resource Center

New Jersey Housing Resource Center

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TOLL-FREE CALL CENTER: 1-877-428-8844

NJHRC... Where Everyone Can Find A Home!

How to Find Housing

To search for housing, follow these easy steps

  1. On the Homepage, select “Find Housing
  2. Choose the type of housing you would like to find (rental, for sale, accessible or temporary).
  3. Choose a city or county to search.
  4. A search screen will appear. Choose from BasicAdvanced and Accessible tabs.
    • Use the Basic tab to search quickly by details like bed and bath amount, ZIP code and if you have a voucher.
    • Use the Advanced tab to search by features like school district, appliances, pet friendliness, whether credit or criminal checks are required and more.
    • Use the Accessible tab for all the choices of the Advanced tab as well as many accessibility features.
  5. Enter search criteria, and press "CLICK HERE TO SEARCH" to see housing listings.

    VETERANS: If you have VASH or other Veterans housing assistance, click "Yes" next to Veteran or VASH Recipient.


  • Use the drop-down menu above the listings to sort listings by rent, location, date available and more.
  • Click on each address you are interested in to view more details and find landlord contact information.
  • Click "Show These Properties on Map" near the top of the page to see a map of the rentals found by your search. Click around the map to see more features, and even start a new search from the map.
  • Click checkboxes next to each property you're interested in and scroll to the bottom of the page to add to a "basket" of choices. View your basket to compare the properties you like.
  • To print listings, click the "Printer Friendly" link near the top-right corner of each page.

Need Help with Your Search?

  • Call the toll-free, multilingual call center at 1-877-428-8844 for assistance with housing searches.
  • The call center is avaiable Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
  • Listing information can be provided by phone, email, mail, and fax.

Find Housing FAQ’s

Each property manager or owner can require certain income, credit, criminal history, etc. information in order to determine eligibility to rent a unit. This may depend on the funding sources that were used to develop the property, or, it may be at the discretion of the property owner. However, all property managers and owners who use this site must abide by Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity regulations that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability.

You can contact at 1-877-428-8844, Monday through Friday, 7am to 6pm MDT.

You can contact HUD Fair Housing to file a complaint is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people access affordable housing and supportive services by developing solutions that utilize leading-edge technology. You can visit or call 1-877-428-8844 to learn more.

The New Jersey Housing Resource Center is funded, administered and maintained by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.

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