Department of Transportation

Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning

pedestrian safety photo

Bicyclists and pedestrians are the most vulnerable travelers on our transportation network.People who walk and bike along New Jersey’s roadways suffer high rates of injuries and fatalities, according to state police data. These rates are much higher than the national average and indicate the need to improve driving behavior and road design to protect all vulnerable road users (people on foot, bicycle, scooter, in a wheelchair, or otherwise not in a car, bus, or truck).

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has made pedestrian and bicyclist safety a top priority. NJDOT has implemented a number of policies and programs over the years to make the streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians, including a national award winning Complete Streets policy.

NJDOT also offers a Complete Streets Design Guide, a Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and numerous safety publications.

For more information and assistance with bicycle and pedestrian travel in New Jersey, visit the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center and the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Resource Center,currently housed at the Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Additional bicycle and pedestrian safety statistics are available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Last updated date: August 20, 2024 1:09 PM