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Office of the Ombudsman for Individuals
with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families

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Welcome to your one-stop resource center for New Jerseyans with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families.

Our aim is to provide you with information about the services and supports you need and deserve.

This website is a work-in-progress. We will be adding additional information and accessibility features. And with your help, the information will be updated regularly to keep it timely, accurate and useful.

Please let us know your thoughts - about this site, about the supports and services available to you, and about the work of our office.

We're here for you.

Thank You,
Paul, Christine, Charles, Suhani, & Amanda


NJ Youth Transition Conference 2021
Parent Empowerment Conference
Meet the NJ Ombudsman

Last Updated: Friday, 07/26/24
How to Report Abuse & Neglect
Abuse & Neglect

How to Report
Abuse & Neglect