New Jersey Department of Education


Although New Jersey Administrative Code for Educator Effectiveness (N.J.A.C. 6A:10) regulations are known for evaluating educators, the data culled from evaluation can be used to drive professional learning in professional learning communities (PLCs), schools and districts. The School Improvement Panel (ScIP) and the District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC) sections provide information on these committees and ways to leverage them in making evaluation data-driven decisions.

Relationship Between the School Improvement Panel and the District Evaluation Advisory Committee

The ScIP is a required committee which provides leadership at the school level not only for the implementation of the district's teacher evaluation policies and procedures, but also mentoring and professional development supports for teachers. The primary role of the optional DEAC is to oversee and guide the planning and implementation of the school district’s evaluation policies and procedures for both teachers and principals.

One key role that both groups can play is to mediate and facilitate ongoing communications between the district and its schools to ensure that policies and procedures are communicated consistently and implemented effectively. For example, the DEAC can distribute policy and procedural information via each ScIP. The SciP can provide school-level feedback on how the policies are implemented, including information on successes and challenges. To ensure effective two-way communication between ScIPs and DEACs, districts should consider having at least one ScIP member from each school sit on the DEAC.

Page Last Updated: 07/25/2024

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