New Jersey Department of Education

Professional Development

Educator feedback from observation conferences, along with data from Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) and other sources, allows educators to reflect on their professional practice with more depth and clarity. Educator evaluation at both the educator and student levels can be a professional learning system to help teachers and leaders tailor professional development to the needs of their schools.

Beyond the targeted feedback received through the new evaluation system, all teaching staff members will receive ongoing professional development and an individual professional development plan to support student achievement. Professional development activities should, where possible, be developed in consultation with the School Improvement Panel (ScIP) to ensure that the results of evaluation inform instructional improvement.

Corrective Action Plan

Any teaching staff member who is rated Ineffective or Partially Effective on their evaluation will receive additional support through a Corrective Action Plan (CAP).


During the first year of mentoring, novice teachers will receive an evaluation, but evaluation results will not be linked to tenure decisions. The Educator Mentoring and Induction Support webpage provides information on mentoring policies and procedures.

Page Last Updated: 06/27/2024

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