New Jersey Department of Education

Principal Evaluation

The New Jersey Department of Education is committed to transforming the educational opportunities we offer the state’s 1.4 million students, and we believe that begins with visionary district and school leaders who are committed to ensuring that all students achieve. New Jersey Administrative Code for Educator Effectiveness (N.J.A.C. 6A:10) defines these positions as "supervisors" or those appropriately certified teaching staff members employed in the school district in a supervisory role. They possess a school administrator, principal, or supervisor endorsement as described in N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-12.  

The New Jersey Administrative Code Chapter 10 regulations rely on multiple measures of performance to evaluate principals, assistant principals (APs) and vice principals (VPs). These measures include components of both school leader practice, goals and other measures of student achievement.

Evaluation Scoring

Principal, AP and VP evaluation scores are the combination of principal practice ratings and student achievement measures. These weights vary depending on whether Student Growth Percentile (SGP) grades or subjects exist in the principal's school. The Summative Score Calculator can assist districts in calculating official summative ratings.

Summative Rating Cut Scores
Ineffective Partially Effective Effective Highly Effective
1 1.85 2.65 3.5 - 4

Components of the Summative Rating

The summative rating includes the:

Calculating the Summative Rating

There are two different calculations for the summative rating—one calculation for administrators without a median student growth percentile (mSGP) score and one for administrators with an mSGP score.

Principal, Assistant Principal or Vice Principal without an mSGP Score

The calculation for the summative rating is:

$(\text{Practice Score}\times 0.8)+ (\text{Administrator Goals}\times 0.1)+(\text{SGO Average}\times 0.1)=\text{Summative Rating}$

Principal, Assistant Principal or Vice Principal with an mSGP Score

If the school includes tested grades (i.e., 4–8), the administrator's summative rating includes the median of the school-wide student-growth percentile (SGP) score.

The calculation for the summative rating is:

$(\text{Practice Score}\times 0.7)+ (\text{Administrator Goals}\times 0.1)+(\text{SGO Average}\times 0.1)+(\text{mSGP}\times 0.1)=\text{Summative Rating}$

Page Last Updated: 08/12/2024

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