New Jersey Department of Education

Student Achievement Measures

All principals, assistant principals and vice principals receive a score based on:

  • Adminstrator goals
  • Student Growth Objectives (SGO)
  • Student Growth Percentile (SGP)

Note: Principal refers to principals, assistant principals, and vice principals, unless explicitly stated.

Student Growth Objectives

Part of a principal's summative rating is based on the average teacher SGO score in their school. SGOs are measurable academic goals that teachers set for their students based on growth and achievement.

Student Growth Percentiles

Some principals have SGP data for their students. Median Student Growth Percentiles (mSGPs) are state-calculated scores that measure a principal’s ability to help increase student achievement on the state standardized assessments.

For an mSGP to be part of a principal's evaluation, that educator must be:

  • Assigned by October 15 to a school attended by more than 20 separate students who take the 4th-8th-grade Language Arts or 4th-7th-grade state test.
  • Assigned to qualifying students reported as having attended the school for one full year prior to the administration of the test, according to the data submitted by the district in its state submission.

Administrator Goals

Administrator goals for the principal shall be developed and measured according to the following procedures:

  1. Determine Number of Goals

The designated supervisor shall determine the number of required administrator goals which shall reflect the achievement of a significant number of students within the school. By August 31, prior to the school year in which the evaluation rubric applies, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) shall provide the minimum and maximum number of required goals, which will be at least one goal and no more than four goals.

  1. Develop Goals

Principals shall develop in consultation with their designated supervisor, each administrator goal. Each vice principal and assistant principal shall set goals specific to their job description or adopt the same goals as their principal. If the principal and their designated supervisor do not agree upon the administrator goal, the principal’s designated supervisor shall make the final determination.

  1. Record Goals and Criteria

Administrator goals and the criteria for assessing performance based on those objectives shall be determined, recorded, and retained by the principal and their designated supervisor by October 31 of each school year. If their start date is after October 1, the deadline is no more than 25 working days after the start date.

  1. Approve Goal Score

The administrator goal score shall be approved by the principal’s designated supervisor. The principal’s administrator goal score, if available, shall be discussed at their annual summary conference and recorded in their personnel file.

The percentage of a principal’s summative rating based on administrator goals varies depending on whether the principal is an mSGP Principal or a non-mSGP Principal. The principal sets these goals, such as increasing scores on Advanced Placement tests or improving graduation rate, with their superintendent.

Page Last Updated: 07/22/2024

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