New Jersey Department of Education

Principal Practice

The largest single component of an administrator’s overall evaluation is based on observations of their practice. Districts have the flexibility to choose from a growing list of state-approved instruments.

Principal, Assistant Principal or Vice Principal

Observation Requirements

Two recommended observations each school year.
Three required observations each school year.

Principals, assistant principals and vice principals who end the school year with an Ineffective or Partially Effective rating have an additional observation the following year as part of their Corrective Action Plan (CAP).

Observation Details

Evidence of practice may be gathered through:

  • Conferencing following instructional rounds
  • Observation of instruction leadership events including, but not limited to:
    • Professional development activities
    • Post observation conference
    • Data team meeting
  • Stakeholder engagement activities such as:
    • Parent conference
    • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting
    • Conferencing around selected artifacts or data

New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning

The New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) Process and NJPEPL Observation Instrument were developed through broad stakeholder engagement and a two-year pilot process. As an integrated system of principal evaluation, NJPEPL offers a simpler, yet powerful approach for the evaluation and professional development of school leaders.

Districts may choose to use the state Principal Evaluation Leadership Instrument for principals or a state-approved evaluation instrument for assistant and vice principals as an additional measure of the practice of administrators. These instruments are optional and measure how well principals, assistant principals, and vice principals:

  • Prepare teachers for success (principals only)
  • Build collaboration (principals only)
  • Fulfill requirements of the evaluation system
  • Provide feedback, coaching, and planning for growth
  • Ensure reliable, valid observation results
  • Ensure high-quality Student Growth Objectives (SGO)

Local discretion can be used to assign a weight for the evaluation leadership instrument as a component of the practice score for school leaders. 

Page Last Updated: 07/23/2024

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