New Jersey Department of Education

Effective Observation Training

This video is the third in the New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning Observation Instrument series. You will be asked to pause the video to complete the following activities.

  1. Understand the domain
  2. Distinguish between performance levels
  3. Type and quality of evidence
  4. Identify performance level based on evidence

The video walks through these activities for Domain 1 and Domain 3. Access the Observation Training Domain Activities page to use this process for all seven domains.

Script: Effective Observation Training

Domain 1 Activities

The descriptor for Domain 1—Mission, Vision and Core Values is:

Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and set of core values of high-quality education and academic success for, and well-being of, each student.

Activity 1: Understand the Domain

In this activity, you will use Domain 1 to create a template for understanding each of the domains.

  1. Talk: Discuss with one or two others how the practice reflected in this domain in the box above is important for excellent leadership. (five minutes)
  2. Write: Summarize your thoughts about the necessity of this practice for leading a great school. (two minutes)
  3. Share: Share 1–3 phrases that summarize your thoughts on the importance of this practice. (three minutes)
  4. Agree: Generate a summary statement that captures the main agreements related to the necessity of this practice. (three minutes)

Activity 2: Distinguish between Performance Levels

In this activity, you will explore the performance levels.

  1. Review: Review the observation instrument language in the Domain 1 table. (two minutes)
  2. Highlight: Highlight or circle the key phrases that distinguish one performance level from the next. Annotate as needed. (five minutes)
  3. Agree: Agree on the key similarities and differences between each level of practice. (three minutes)
Domain 1 Performance Levels
4 3 2 1
The principal consistently plans, implements and supports actions that develop, advocate and enact a shared mission, vision, and set of core values of high-quality education for each student's success. Shared ownership by staff and students leads to significant improvements in or sustained excellence of the educational environment.  The principal plans, implements and supports actions that develop, advocate and enact a shared mission, vision, and set of core values of high-quality education for each student's success resulting in a positive impact on the educational environment. The principal is inconsistent in planning, implementing and supporting actions associated with mission, vision and core values or these actions have limited or no positive impact on the educational environment. The principal's actions or attitude regarding the development and enactment mission, vision, and core values have a negative impact on the educational environment.

Activity 3: Type and Quality of Evidence

In this activity, you will discuss what type and quality of evidence might signify performance at different levels.

Critical Attributes for Domain 1
  • Collaborate to develop an educational mission for the school to promote the academic success and well-being of each student.
  • Using relevant data, develop and promote a vision for the school on the successful learning and development of each child.
  • Articulate, advocate, and cultivate core values that define the school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-centered education; high expectations and student support; equity, inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and continuous improvement.
  • Strategically develop, implement, and evaluate actions to achieve the vision for the school.
  • Review the school’s mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students.
Guiding Question

Given that the principal is performing at the highest level in domain 1, what types and quality of evidence could you use to justify your assessment of this performance? It may be helpful to review the critical attributes associated with this domain to stimulate your thinking.

  1. Think: Jot down some ideas and note whether the evidence is indirect or direct. (three minutes)
  2. Share: Share your ideas with the group. (three minutes)
  3. Identify: Note areas where the group agrees and where there may be open questions. (five minutes)

Activity 4: Identify Performance Level Based on Evidence

In this activity, you will determine the performance level based on evidence.

A. Evidence

Individually list the evidence:

  1. List evidence in table below in the appropriate column.
  2. Label whether the evidence is a principal action or an outcome of an action.
  3. Review the evidence and assign a score based on this evidence according to the instrument language for Domain 1. The score must be between 1 and 4 but may contain one decimal place, e.g. 3.5.
B. Scoring

In a small group (one or two others):

  1. Discuss your provisional score and how this was justified by the evidence.
  2. Identify the relative importance of difference pieces of evidence and how this impacted your evaluation.
  3. Agree on a final score.

In the larger group:

  1. Share your final score with a brief justification for the score. Include any additional information that would help support your decision on a final score for this domain.
  2. Note any evidence that might be used for domains other than Domain 1.
Page Last Updated: 08/14/2024

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