New Jersey Department of Education

Script: Scoring Guidance

Note: This extended script includes all of the audio from the video plus any content that is only conveyed visually or is not fully-explained in the narration.

Agenda - Scoring Guidance

The fourth section of the New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) Observation Instrument video will provide Scoring Guidance. This will be followed by guidance for using the NJPEPL Observation Instrument for administrators other than principals, assistant principals and vice principals.

NJPEPL Observation Instrument Scoring Guidance

Under the rules of AchieveNJ, school districts have broad flexibility to determine how observations are scored. However, we strongly recommend that local decisions regarding scoring protocols are collaboratively developed and transparently communicated across the district.

When using the NJPEPL Observation Instrument, districts should consider the following scoring protocols. Determine a score for each domain using a diverse sample of evidence collected throughout a 2 to 3 month window. Each domain score should be between 1.0 and 4.0 and include half points if needed – for example, 3.5.

To generate a score for each individual observation, use the following domain weights. Domains 1 through 3 represent instructional leadership and are collectively weighted at 48% of the observation score (16% each). Domains 4 through 7 represent organizational leadership and comprise the other 52% of the observation score (13% each). The superintendent and principal should discuss this score at the post-observation conference.

A Final Observation Score can be generated in two ways. First and simplest, the two or three observation scores generated throughout the year can be averaged. The alternative is to review the complete portfolio of evidence collected throughout the year. This portfolio is used to generate a score for the seven domains, each of which is appropriately weighted and then added together to produce a final observation score.

[Text on Screen]

  1. Domain Score
    1. Determine a score for each domain using a diverse sample of evidence collected throughout a 2 to 3 month window.
    2. Generate a score of between 1.0 and 4.0 for each domain.
    3. Score to one decimal place — for example, 3.5.
  2. Individual Observation Score
    1. Domains 1 through 3 represent instructional leadership and are collectively weighted at 48% of the observation score (16% each)
    2. Domains 4 through 7 represent organizational leadership and comprise the other 52% of the observation score (13% each)
    3. Discuss the observation score at the post-observation conference.
  3. Final Observation Score
    1. Average the individual observation scores, or
    2. Review the portfolio of evidence collected throughout the entire year and use the prescribed domain weights to determine a final score.

Individual Observation Scoring Example

Table 1: Observation Scoring
Domain Weight Domain Score Weighted Score
1 0.16 4.0 0.64
2 0.16 3.5 0.56
3 0.16 3.5 0.56
4 0.13 2.5 0.33
5 0.13 4.0 0.52
5 0.13 3.0 0.39
6 0.13 2.5 0.33

Observation Score: 3.33

This example (Table 1: Observation Scoring) shows the calculation for an individual observation score using the recommended domain weights of 0.16 for each instructional leadership domain and 0.13 for each organizational leadership domain. A domain score of between 1.0 and 4.0 is determined using the evidence collected. Scoring to the nearest half point is used for domain scores to provide appropriate flexibility. In a simple calculation, the domain score is multiplied by the weight to provide a weighted domain score. The sum of these weighted domain scores comprises the observation score.

Districts should work with their information system vendors to ensure they fully understand the process each vendor uses for generating these scores.

Points to Remember

Please remember the following points regarding scoring observations

District leadership teams should make decisions about scoring options collaboratively prior to the beginning of the annual evaluation cycle. Districts should communicate with their information system vendors to make their scoring preferences known.

The final observation score, along with other principal evaluation component scores, must be provided annually to the NJDOE as part of the evaluation score data collection process. Appropriately weight the final observation score and other components according to the NJDOE’s annual guidance to produce a summative score for each principal. Upload evaluation scores to the NJDOE each year.

Finally, it is important to remember that generating a score for an observation is a necessary requirement of the evaluation process but not sufficient for the professional development of educators. The entire NJPEPL process should be carefully reviewed and implemented to ensure scores are framed within a coaching conversation that supports the continued growth of the principal. More information can be found in the NJPEPL process video.

[Text on Screen]

  1. Scoring decisions made ahead of time and collaboratively
  2. Communicate with vendors as needed
  3. Appropriately weight the observation score and other components according to the NJDOE’s annual guidance to produce a summative score for each principal
  4. Upload evaluation scores to the NJDOE each year
  5. Use observations scores within context of coaching conversations to support principal growth
Page Last Updated: 07/15/2024

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