New Jersey Department of Education

Step 1: Annual Planning and Goal-Setting Conference

This video is the second in the New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) process series. You will be instructed to pause the video to complete the following activities:

  1. Developing Administrator Goals
  2. Planning and goal-setting conference
  3. Preparing for the conference

Script: Step One— Annual Planning and Goal-Setting Conference

Activity 1: Developing Administrator Goals

In this activity you will review your Administrator Goals.


For this activity, you will need to have access to your most recently completed:

Discussion Questions

Review one of your goals from last year and answer the following:

  1. How well was your Administrator Goal aligned with the district goals and your school goals?
  2. On what data was this goal based?
  3. Could this Administrator Goal be adapted into a multi-year goal?
  4. Does your PDP address an aspect of your knowledge or practice that helped you achieve your Administrator Goal?  If not, how could your PDP have been revised to provide support in this area?

Activity 2: Planning and Goal-setting Conference

While watching the simulated conference:

  1. Take note of the objectives and outcomes of the conference.
  2. Be prepared to discuss the ways in which the conference meets the criteria of the NJPEPL process and in which ways it might be improved.

After watching the video:

  1. Discuss your findings with a partner. 
  2. Discuss with the whole group.

Activity 3: Preparing for the Conference

In the following activity, we will be preparing for your upcoming annual planning and goal-setting conference.


You will need access to the following materials:

  • Student performance data
  • Your annual summary conference form from the most recent evaluation cycle
  • Your current PDP
  • Survey data
  • District goals
  • Other relevant information

Discussion Topics

Note: To use the Professional Standards for Education Leaders (PSEL) Leadership Reflection and Growth Tool, you must request access by entering your email address on the New Jersey Principals and Supervisor Association (NJPSA) Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA) website.

  1. Review relevant school and performance evaluation data. Identify major patterns including successes and areas for improvement.
  2. Identify one to three priority areas for school growth for the following year.
  3. Identify one to three areas of professional growth based on your performance evaluation.
  4. Identify any other areas of growth based on completion of the PSEL Leadership Reflection and Growth Tool or other self-reflection process.
  5. In what areas of professional practice might your PDP be modified to support your growth in these areas?
  6. For which school improvement priority might an Administrator Goal be developed?
Page Last Updated: 08/14/2024

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