New Jersey Department of Education

Step 2: Observations and Post-Observation Conferences

This video is the third in the New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) series. You will be instructed to pause the video to complete the Post-Observation Conference activity.

Script: Step 2—Observations Conferences

Activity: Post-Observation Conference

During the Video

While watching the simulated conference, take notes on the following components of the conference:

  • Evidence collected or submitted during the observation window
  • Progress toward Administrator Goals and professional development plan (PDP)
  • Review of school and student data to inform any course corrections in established
  • Actionable feedback presented verbally utilizing the five-step feedback protocol:
    • Step 1: Praise: Narrating the positive.
    • Step 2: Inquire: Start with a targeted question, adding scaffolding as needed.
    • Step 3: Action Step: Use questions to lead to a bite-sized action step.
    • Step 4: Plan Ahead: Design or revise plans to implement the action step.
    • Step 5: Follow-up: Set a timeline for follow-up.

    After the Video

    1. Discuss your findings with a partner (five minutes).
    2. Discuss your findings with the whole group (ten minutes). Note the ways the conference meets NJPEPL process criteria and ways it might be improved.
    Page Last Updated: 08/14/2024

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