New Jersey Department of Education

Script: Guidance for Other Administrators

Note: This extended script includes all of the audio from the video plus any content that is only conveyed visually or is not fully-explained in the narration.

As we previously discussed, for simplicity and clarity, these training materials have been presented with the educators involved being a principal and his supervisor, a superintendent. However, the New Jersey Principal Evaluation for Professional Learning (NJPEPL) process may be effectively used for all administrators.

NJPEPL Process for Other Administrators

Districts have broad discretion in evaluating administrators other than principals, assistant principals and vice principals. Examples of other administrators include Chief Academic Officer, Dean of Students, Director of Guidance, Director of Special Education and Supervisor.

These administrators must have one observation annually if they are tenured and three observations if they are non-tenured. Each observation must be at least 20 minutes in length and be followed within 15 working days by a post-observation conference.

As with principals, an annual summary conference must be held by June 30.

[Text on Screen:

Examples of Other Administrators

  1. Chief Academic Officer
  2. Dean of Students
  3. Director of Guidance
  4. Director of Special Education
  5. Supervisor

Evaluation Requirements

  1. One observation for tenured, three for non-tenured administrators
  2. Observations must be at least 20 minutes long
  3. Observations followed in 15 working days by a post-observation conference
  4. Annual summary conference by June 30]

NJPEPL Process for Other Administrators

While AchieveNJ rules provide more leeway for evaluating other administrators, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) encourages districts to provide as much consistency as possible for administrator evaluation.

In applying the NJPEPL process to other administrators, evaluators should hold annual planning conferences with their staff to set administrator goals that align to other goals in the organization, develop a meaningful and aligned professional development plan and prioritize areas of practice.

The number of observations for administrators should be consistent throughout the district and evaluators should gather a portfolio of evidence over pre-determined windows of time rather than using single-point observations.

Finally, as with all educators, an annual summary conference must be held to discuss the preliminary performance report and areas of strength and growth for the upcoming year.

[Text on Screen:

Be as consistent as possible

  1. Annual Planning Conference
    1. Set administrator goals that align to other goals in the organization\
    2. Develop a meaningful and aligned PDP
    3. Prioritize areas of practice
  2. Observations
    1. Number
    2. Portfolio of evidence
    3. Length of observation windows
  3. Annual Summary Conference]
Page Last Updated: 07/15/2024

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