New Jersey Department of Education

Reflective Practice Protocol

  • The Reflective Practice Protocol is an option for tenured teachers who have been rated “Highly Effective” on their most recent summative rating.
  • Participation in this protocol is optional and based on mutual agreement of the participating teacher and their direct supervisor.
  • The Reflective Practice Conference between the teacher and supervisor will replace one traditional, announced classroom observation. Participating teachers must still receive at least one traditional, unannounced classroom observation as part of the Teacher Practice rating.
  • As with any announced classroom observation, teachers should receive pre- and post-conferences for the Reflective Practice Conference.
  • The Reflective Practice Conference will be based on teacher reflection in several required components. Administrators are responsible for conducting and scoring the conference based on available evidence.
  • As when multiple traditional observations are used to provide a practice score, districts must use the Reflective Practice Conference plus any traditional observations to produce a practice rating that contributes to a 1-4 summative score.

Required Components

Each of the following components is required for participating in the Reflective Practice Protocol and informs the reflective conference, a substitute for one traditional, announced observation. Supervisors and teachers may agree beforehand to focus more heavily on certain components, but the specifics of the required activities should be agreed upon before embarking on this evaluation option. 

Video Capture
Reflect on video of a lesson or segments of lessons determined by the teacher.
Student Voice
Reflect on feedback from students either through a student survey or focus group.
Traditional Observation
Reflect on either the information collected from at least one unannounced evaluator-conducted classroom observation or discuss areas of focus for an upcoming unannounced evaluator-conducted observation.
Student Performance
Reflect on student progress toward academic goals.

Optional Components

The following components are optional for participating in the Reflective Practice Protocol. These options provide additional peer and administrator feedback that a teacher can use to further learn about and improve their practice.

Collaborative Peer
Reflection on peer or team observations that are not evaluative in nature.
District or School Walkthrough
Reflection on aggregate information and its relationship to individual practice.

Reflective Practice Protocol Options

  • Acting as Cooperating Teachers
  • Teachers Pursuing National Board Certification or Recertification

Page Last Updated: 07/17/2024

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