Information for teachers & other school employees
School employee claims have distinct eligibility requirements.
For example, a school employee may not be eligible to receive benefits if all the following apply:
- A claim is filed during a recess period.
- There is an offer to return to work for a school employer when the recess period ends.
- Only school wages are in the base period of the claim.
If you’re a school employee applying for unemployment in the summer, make sure you have a copy of the Reduction in Force Notice/RIF or Non-Renewal Notice if you received one from your employer. Submitting this letter will expedite the review of your application.
For Unemployment Insurance purposes, a school employee is an individual who works or provides services for a public or private nonprofit educational institution. Unless otherwise stated, a school employee can also be school supportive staff which provides services to, or on behalf of, an educational institution.
Professional school employee: A school employee who performs work in an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity (such as a teacher, principal, registrar, etc.)
Non-professional school employee: All other school employees (such as custodians, cafeteria workers, teachers' aides, etc.)
A recess period is the period of time between terms, or within terms when classes are not usually scheduled. Examples of recess periods include summer vacation, and holiday recesses such as winter or spring break.
Reasonable assurance is a written, verbal, or implied agreement that the school employee will perform services for an educational institution during the next academic year, term, or remainder of a term.
You are encouraged to apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits. After you apply, we will send you a questionnaire about your school employment. Make sure to submit a copy of the Reduction in Force Notice/RIF or Non-Renewal Notice if you received one.
Yes, if you have enough non-school wages in the base period to establish a valid claim.
Yes, provided you meet all eligibility requirements. When you apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits, we will verify with the school employer that the offer of employment was withdrawn. You’ll be asked to submit a copy of the Reduction in Force Notice/RIF or Non-Renewal Notice you received with information about your layoff, if you received one.
Yes, if you are a non-professional school employee, or school supportive employee, and meet all the following conditions:
- Were laid off by the school employer
- Were not previously disqualified for benefits (other than reasonable assurance to return to work)
- Certified for benefits during the recess period
- Met all eligibility requirements during the recess period
- Have a copy of your Reduction in Force Notice/RIF or Non-Renewal Notice, if you received one
Generally, no; the school employer is not required to give substitute teachers a definite return to work date to establish that there is reasonable assurance to return to work.
If an individual has worked as a substitute teacher and the school employer offers substitute work during the next school year or term under the same general conditions and the individual accepts the offer, there is reasonable assurance the individual will return to work.
You are not eligible to receive benefits based on your school wages during the recess period.
If there are enough non-school wages to establish a valid claim, you may be eligible for benefits based on these wages, provided you meet all other eligibility requirements.
If an offer of work in the next school year is based on enrollment or funding and you have returned to work in past school years under these conditions, you may not be eligible for benefits during the summer recess. A claims examiner will review the facts of your specific employment to determine eligibility for benefits.