Department of Transportation



Goal Compliance and DBE/ESBE, SBE Information

Goal Compliance Information - May 22, 2015

Goal Compliance Letter to Consultants

Goal Compliance Instructions - Electronic Submittal

As of June 1, 2015 all goal compliance forms must be completed and submitted electronically through the New Jersey Portal

Goal Compliance Questions and Answers (37kb pdf)
(Revised March 14, 2011)

NJ Unified Certification Program
Either certified DBE or ESBE firms may be used to satisfy ESBE goals. However, only certified DBE firms may be used to satisfy DBE goals. (New link as of 7-7-17, replaces BizNet.)

New Jersey ESBE Directory (pdf 92k)
DBE's are used only on Federally funded projects. Firms certified as DBE's are considered as ESBE's. A prime consultant can use firms that are DBE, or ESBE, or a combination of DBE/ESBE to fulfill the Federal Goals.

DBE/ESBE NAICS Code Definitions (doc 122k)
The NAICS Code is used to fulfill federal goal requirements for DBE/ESBE subconsultants and ESBE Set-Aside Solicitations. Firms must be registered under the applicable NAICS code to be considered a DBE/ESBE in order to fulfill the federal goals.

SBE Directory
SBE's are used only on State funded projects.
SBE Firms can register as an SBE or can check if a firm is registered as an SBE on the NJ Department of Treasury operated New Jersey Selective Assistance Vendor Information (NJSAVI) database available at the New Jersey Department of Treasury website.

Small Business Program Types
Small Business Program Types defines requirements of DBE/ESBE/SBE programs within NJDOT.

Last updated date: July 20, 2023 9:14 AM